- European/American - Three Little Pigs
- European/American - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- European/Arabic - Three Golden Sons
- European - Three Old Women - Note correlation to the spinning fates of Europe
- English - Three Ravens
- Nostrodamus - The Three Sisters Of Fate or Antichrists - (Napoleon, Hitler, Persian possibly associated with Communist Russia)
- Chinese - I Ching - Three coins are tossed six times (one of two methods)
- Chinese - I Ching - Fifty thin yarrow sticks are seperated and counted 3 times
- Kingdoms - (animal, vegetable, and mineral)
- Three R's - (writing, reading, and arithmetic)
- Optics - Cardinal Colors (red, yellow, and blue)
- Christianity - The Trinity - Father, Son, Holy Ghost
- Greek/Roman - Gods That Ruled the World - (Zeus/Jupiter (heaven), Poseidon/Neptune (sea), and Hades/Pluto (the underworld))
- Judaism - The Trinity - Father, Mother, Son
- Norse - Mysterious Three Who Sat on Thrones in Asgard - (Har (High), Jafenhar (Equally High), and Thridi (the third))
- Christianity - Graces - (Faith, Hope, and Charity)
- Greek/Roman - Graces Charities/Gratiae - (Euphrosyne (Mirth), Aglaia (Splendor), and Thalia (Good Cheer))
- Christianity - Books of the Bible - (Old Testament, New Testament, Apocrypha)
- Judaism - Heavens - (Air, Starry Firmament, Palace of Jehovah)
- Greek - Harpies (Three Winged Monsters) - (Aello (storm), Celeno (blackness), and Ocypete (rapid))
- Greek/Roman - Fates or Moirae/Parcae - (Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos)
- Norse - Fates or Norns - (Urd (past), Verdandi (present), Skuld (future))
- Greek/Roman - Furies or Erinnyes - (Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera)
- Seneca Indian - Three Sisters (Deohako) - (Onatah (corn), __?__ (beans) and __?__ squash)
- Game Cards - Face Cards - (Knight, Queen and King)
- Triple Crown - Combined Classic American Horse Races - (The Kentucky Derby (Churchill Downs), The Preakness (Pimlico) and The Belmont Stakes (Belmont Park))
The Fates
- Greek Moirae/Roman Parcae - Clotho (spun), Lachesis (measured), and Atropos (cut)
- Scandinavian (Norse) Norns - Urd (past), Verdandi (present), Skuld (future)
- The goddesses of human destiny, or "the thread of life." They spun it, measured it and cut it when they chose.
- To the Greeks they were ugly old women; the daughters of Zueus and Themis (goddess of law) or Night and Darkness. While Homer only mentioned one there were considered to be three: Clotho (the Spinner) spins the thread, Lachesis (the Disposer or Measurer) determined the length and course, and Atropos (the Inflexible) who cut it off. They often appear with the Keres (spiritual ancestral beings also identified with the furies). They appeared on the 3rd night after the child's birth to direct the course of his/her life.
- The Norse considered their Fates or Norns to be virgins who changed into swans to travel. These goddess appeared at the birth of a child to determine his or her destiny. Originally there was only one, the giantess Urdar but a tradition of three developed where one negates or turns into a curse the gifts of the other two. Voluspd called all 3 giants, Snorri through an error named them Urd (past, the giant), Verdandi (present, the elf) and Skuld (future, the dwarf).
- There are some references to Wyrd (Goddess of Fate) mother of the Norns. They were also associated with Wyres or Weirs, a term applied today to witches or soothsayers of Scotland.
- The Disir was composed of the Norns, Valkyries and Fylgjas.
- The Fates are a common theme, the Anglo-Saxon version were called Wyredes. Egyptians also had their known as Hathors (deities of fate) however they numbered seven.
The Furies
- Greek/Roman Erinnyes or Eumenides - Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera
- The goddesses of "blood vengeance." They were born from the blood of Uranus and appointed to punish those who escaped or defied public justice, specifically in situations involving blood relations, irregardless of the motives. They were represented as crones with bats' wings, dogs' heads, and snakes for hair or as wreaths.
The Graces
- Greek Charities/Roman Gratiae - Euphrosyne (Mirth), Aglaia (Splendor), and Thalia (Good Cheer)
- Christianity - Graces - (Faith, Hope, and Charity)
- The Greek Goddesses presiding over the banquet, the dance, and all social enjoyments and elegant arts. They were the personifications of beauty and charm (daughters of Zeus and the oceanid nymph Eurynome).
- The Christian Graces are not people or angels, but qualities of the human spirit.
- The Jewish belief system the word heaven in the Bible can mean one of the following: Air, Starry firmament, Palace of Jehovah.
- "Heaven" is also poetic for height. "The cities are walled up to heaven" Deuteronomy 1:28
The Three R's
- Sir William Curtis toast, "I will give you the three R's; writing, reading, and arithmetic."
Three Sisters (Deohako) - Seneca Indian
- Daughters of the Earth Mother. The spirits and guardians of the Onatah (corn), __?__ (beans) and __?__ squash --dressed respectively. Onatah was snatched by Hahgwehdaetgah (the evil one) and brought to the underground. Bean and Squash fled in the ensuing blighting winds. The Sun found Onatah and brought her back. At planting time she calls her crows to eat the grubs that would destroy her roots. Through the rest of the year she stands in the field through drought or rain never until the maize (corn) is ripe.
Created: 1-May-98, Last updated: 7-July-98
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camilian since 1-May-1998
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