- Moon - Phases change every seven days
- Continents - (Asia, Europe, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, North America, and South Ameria)
- Seas - (North and South Pacific, North and South Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Antarctic)
- Wonders of the Ancient World - (Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes, Lighthouse of Alexandria)
- Wonders of the Middle Ages - (Coliseum of Rome, Catacombs of Alexandria, Great Wall of China, Stonehenge (England), Leaning Tower of Pisa, Porcelain Tower of Nankin, Mosque of St. Sophia at Constantinople)
- Dwarfs (from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) - (Dopey, Sneezy, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy and Doc)
- Liberal Arts - (Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music/Harmonics or Tuning Theory, Astronomy or Cosmology)
- Senses - (Animation, Feeling, Speech, Taste, Sight, Hearing, and Smell)
- English - Seven Bishops - Archbishop Sancroft of Canterbury, Bishop Ken of Bath and Wells, Bishop Lake of Chichester, Bishop White of Peterborough, Bishop Turner of Ely, Bishop Lloyd of St. Asaph and Bishop Trelawney of Bristol
- Optics - Color Spectrum - (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)
- Medievil - Bodies in Alchemy - (Sun-gold, moon-silver, Mars-iron, Mercury-quicksilver, Saturn-lead, Jupiter-tin, and Venus-copper)
- Computer - OSI Model - (Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, Application)
- Gilligan's Island - Castaways - (Gilligan, The Skipper, The Professor, Mary Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Ginger)
- Lost in Space - Family & Crew (human) - (John, Maureen, Judy, Penny and Will Robinson, Maj. Don West, Col./Dr. Zachary Smith)
- Land of the Giants - Crew & Passengers (human) - (Capt. Steve Burton, Dan Erickson, Barry Lockridge, Mark Wilson, Valerie Scott, Betty Hamilton, Cmdr. Alexander Fitzhugh)
- Sacred Books (or Bibles) - (Christian Bible, Eddas of the Scandinavians, Five Kings of the Chinese, Koran of the Mohammedans, Tri Pitikes of the Buddhists, Three Vedas of the Hindus, Zendavesta of the Persians)
- Christianity - Sorrows of Mary
- Chritianity - Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Roman Cathloic Festival started in 1423 and, since 1725, celebrated the Friday before Palm Sunday that relates to the Seven Sorrows of Mary
- Christianity - Joys of the Virgin Mary
- Christianity - Graces
- Christianity - Deadly Sins - (Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Sloth, Covetousness)
- Christianity - Virtues - (Faith, Hope, Charity, Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance)
- Christianity - Spirits of God - (Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Power, Knowledge, Righteousness, Divine Awfulness)
- Christianity - Gifts of the Holy Ghost - (Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Ghostly Strength or Fortitude, Knowledge, Godliness, Fear of the Lord)
- Buddhism/Japanese - Gods of Happiness (Luck) Shichi Fukujin- (Benten (Patroness of the fine arts, female beauty and giver of wealth), Bishamonten (Another Giver of wealth), Daikoku (God of inexhaustible wealth), Ebisu (God of fishing, food and honest dealings), Fukurokujin (God of fortune and longevity), Jurojin (Patron of health and longevity) and Hotei (Generosity))
- Christianity - Champions - (St. George-England, St. Andrew-Scotland, St. Patrick-Ireland, St. David-Wales, St. Denis-France, St. James-Spain, St. Anthony-Italy)
- Christianity - Days of Creation - (
- Christianity - Churches of Asia - (Ephesos, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodice'a)
- Christianity - Spirits (Angels) Before the Throne of God (Michael, Gabriel, Lamael, Raphael, Zachariel, Anael, and Oriphel)
- Egyptian - Fates Hathors - The deities of fate
- Calendar - Days in the Week - (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
- European - The Seventh Son/Daughter - always lucky or gifted person, often with occult powers. 7th son of a 7th son can stop hemerrhages. Usually postive the Rumanians however believe the Th child is doomed to become a vampire.
The Seven Graces - Christianity (Catholicism)
- I will grant peace to their families.
- They will be enlightened about the divine mysteries.
- I will console them in their pains and I will accompany them in their work.
- I will give them as much as they ask for as long as it does not oppose the adorable will of my divine Son or the sanctification of their souls.
- I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives.
- I will visibly help them at the moment of their death; they will see the face of their Mother.
- I have obtained (This Grace) from my divine Son, that those who propagate this devotion to my tears and dolors will be taken directly from this earthly life to eternal happiness since all their sins will be forgiven and my Son and I will be their eternal consolation and joy.
The Seven Sorrows of Mary - Christianity (Catholicism)
- The prophecy of Simeon
- The flight into Egypt
- The loss of the Child Jesus in the temple
- The meeting of Jesus and Mary on the Way of the Cross
- The Crucifixion
- The taking down of the Body of Jesus from the Cross
- The burial of Jesus
Seven Champions of Christendom - by Richard Johnson, who lived in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I
- St. George of England - held prisoner by the Almidor, the black King of Morocco for seven years
- St. Andrew of Scotland - rescued six ladies who had lived in the form of white swans for seven years
- St. Patrick of Ireland - locked in a cell, he scratched his grave with his fingernails
- St. David of Wales - slept in the enchanted garden of Ormandine and was redeemed by St. George after seven years
- St. Denis of France - lived in the form of a hart for seven years
- St. James of Spain - dumb out of love to a fair Jewess for seven years
- St. Anthony of Italy - was enchanted into a deep sleep in the Black Castle, St. George's three sons him and the other Champions by using water from the enchanted fountain to quench the seven lamps
Seven Bishops
- Archbishop Sancroft of Canterbury, Bishop Ken of Bath and Wells, Bishop Lake of Chichester, Bishop White of Peterborough, Bishop Turner of Ely, Bishop Lloyd of St. Asaph and Bishop Trelawney of Bristol
- Charged, tried and acquitted (30-June-1687) of publishing seditious libel in the reign of James II of England.
Seven Sages (Wise Men) of Greece and their moral aphorisms or mottos. Sixth century B.C
- Bias of Priene - "Most men are bad"
- Chilo of Sparta - "Consider the end"
- Cleobulos of Lindos - "The golden mean," or "Avoid extremes"
- Periander of Corinth - "Nothing is impossible to industry"
- Pittacos of Mitylene - "Seize Time by the forelock"
- Solon of Athens - "Know thyself"
- Thales of Miletos - "Who hateth suretyship is sure"
The Fates
- Egyptian - Fates Hathors
- Egyptians Fates were known as Hathors (deities of fate) and numbered seven. The appeared at the child's cradle to cast lots to determine the infants life course. The Goddess Hathor was patroness of women and marriage, Goddess of fertility, love and mirth.
Gods of Happiness (Luck)
- Shichi Fukujin - syncretism of Shinto and Buddhist concepts
- Benten (Patroness of the fine arts, female beauty and giver of wealth), Bishamonten (Another Giver of wealth), Daikoku (God of inexhaustible wealth, stands on two rice bags carrying another on his shoulder), Ebisu (God of fishing, food and honest dealings, has a merry face and with his fishing rod he catches the fish of good luck), Fukurokujin (God of fortune and longevity, crane-symbol of long life), Jurojin (Patron of health and longevity), Hotei (Generosity, fat and cheerful god who carries a bag of treasure from which he gives to non-worriers)
The Seven Sacred Books
- Christian Bible (Canon completed A.D. 494; Old Testament as we have it, B.C. 130.)
- Eddas of the Scandinavians
- Five Kings of the Chinese ("King" means web-of-cloth on which they were originally written)
- Koran of the Mohammedans (Th century, A.D.)
- Tri Pitikes of the Buddhists (Sixth century B.C.)
- Three Vedas of the Hindus (Twelfth century B.C.)
- Zendavesta of the Persians (Twelfth century B.C.)
Created: 4-May-1998, Last updated: 7-July-98
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