Communications is a full service Internet Service Provider.
Putting A Counter On Your Web
Counters are among the
most popular options for Web sites today. SkyPoint provides an excellent hit
counter written by Muhammad
A Muquit. This counter is very nice because it appears in your web page
as an image. Thus, to add a counter to your home page, add the following line
anywhere in your HTML document;
Personal Web Home
<img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?dd=A|df=loginname.dat"
Remember to replace "loginname.dat"
with your login name.
Commercial Web Site
Home Page:
<img src="|"
Remember to replace ""
with your domain name.
The string between ?
and " is called the QUERY_STRING. Make sure there are no newlines in the <img
src=...> line and no space in the QUERY_STRING. In the above examples,
dd=A| means digital format of the numbers, where A equals using style
A from the table set out below. Next, df means datafile and the name
(loginname.dat or is the counter datafile. The counter
stores the hits in the datafile. This datafile is created upon the first web
access. However, commercial domains must send e-mail to
requesting that their domain be added to the web counter files list.
The counter program
has lots of options, you can make it work and look the way you desire. Below
is a table showing the various styles we currently support. If you want a
new style, contact SkyPoint's Webmaster.