Critical Apparatus and Critical Editions
Introduction to the Apparatus *
Colossians: A Critical Apparatus *
To give a real feeling for the various editions, here is a comparison of
their texts and apparatus for the book of Colossians. In what follows, the
text is made by taking the majority reading of the texts of UBS, Merk,
and Hodges & Farstad. Where the three disagree (e.g. 2:1 ewrakan),
the middle reading is used. Each verse is followed by a critical apparatus.
Every variant cited in one of our editions will be noted (though I
have in some instances rearranged the variants to allow a unified presentation,
and I haven't noted nu movable e.g. in Col. 2:1, nor have I noted variants in
accents and breathings; e.g. Tischendorf has one on 2:10 kai este).
Note that this does not
mean that every variant known to me is cited; in Colossians 2:1 alone, checking
only twelve minuscules, I found three variants not cited here! (Several of these
are spelling errors.) Also, I have not included accents, breathings, punctuation,
etc.; these are modern interpretations, and including them would increase
the apparatus significantly (as well as being nearly impossible to represent
accurately in HTML). The list below is a list of variants cited in one or
more apparatus.
The first item in each variant is the lemma text. This is followed by a list
of the critical apparatus which include the variant. If an edition is
shown in brackets (e.g. (M)), it means that that editor notes part of the
variant; if Bover is noted in [brackets] (i.e. [B]), it means he cites editors
only for that reading, without listing manuscript support. The different
readings then follow, with supporting editors and manuscripts. Note: This will
work a lot better if you have a style-enabled browser.
We note incidentally that this list reveals the falsehood of the
implicit claim in NA27 that its appendix III lists all
variants between the major critical editions; even if we ignore orthographic
variants (e.g. Col. 1:13, er(r)usato), observe e.g. Col. 3:17
(an/ean), 3:25 (komisetai/komieitai),
4:9 (gnwrisousin/gnwriousin).
Verse divisions follow that of the Nestle-Aland text (see, e.g., 1:21/22).
The list of editions cited is as follows:
- AP = Auf Papyrus (cited for apparatus only; text=UBS)
- B = Bover
- HF = Hodges & Farstad
- M = Merk
- N13 = Nestle edition 13 (effectively identical in text to all
Nestle editions from N13 to N25; I actually took the text from N15)
- N27 = Nestle/Aland edition 27 (cited for apparatus only; text=UBS)
- NEB = Tasker (cited for text only; it has too few variants to note)
- So = Souter
- T = Tischendorf
- U3 = United Bible Societies third edition (cited for apparatus only; text=UBS)
- U4 = United Bible Societies fourth edition (cited for apparatus only; text=UBS)
- UBS = United Bible Societies text (=UBS3, UBS4, NA26, NA27, AP)
- V = Vogels
- VS = Von Soden (NOTE: The only variants cited from Von Soden are those
on the same page -- the ones you see at a causal glance)
- WH = Westcott & Hort (cited for text only)
For the Latin editions, those cited are:
- Mlat = The Latin side of Merk
- Nlat = The Latin side of the Greek/Latin Nestle
diglot (twenty-first edition)
- vgst = the Stuttgart vulgate
- vgww = the Wordsworth-White editio minor
Note: The Latin editions are cited only intermittently. Variants with no
obvious significance for the Greek are not covered.
Places where the editions disagree on the readings of the manuscripts have
been noted only intermittently. Where AP and T disagree
as to the readings of B (as in, e.g., Col. 4:13, 16; AP cites B*
versus B2, while Tischendorf cites B with no correction), I have
followed AP on the grounds of better access. Similarly, I have generally
trusted AP over the first publication of P46. Where
N27 disagrees with the Von Soden apparatus (as found in B
or M), I've generally followed Nestle, but have noted the differences
when I've spotted them (I did not always check). But I've tried to note
places where AP, T, and N27 disagree, just to give a
feeling for the problems of compiling a critical apparatus. (No doubt this
one has errors of its own.) For an extreme example of this, see Colossians
Correctors are noted using the system found in the latest Nestle editions
(e.g. Dc is the Dc of N27, which refers generally to
the De of T).
One special note on the manuscripts: N27, and even AP,
cite P61 relatively frequently in, e.g., Colossians 1. But P61
is very fragmentary, and a large fraction of these citations are based solely on
space calculations. I simply don't trust them, and cite P61 only when
there is enough text to contain at least part of the reading.
Colossians 1:1 -- paulos apostoolos cristou ihsou dia qelhmatos qeou
kai timoqeos o adelfos
cristou ihsou: cited in AP HF M T V VS;
Mlat (Nlat) vgst (vgww)
- ihsou cristou -- D I K 049 056 075 0142 0151
6 104 223 326 436 462 876 1960 2344 2412
cav dem harl hub tol ulm willelmi arm eth; editions of HF
- txt -- P46
Avid B F G L P Y 0150
33 81 330 1175 1739 a d f am ful karl leg reg sangall sanger theo val;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
Colossians 1:2 -- tois en kolossais agiois kai pistois
adelfois en cristw caris umin kai eirhnh apo qeou patros hmwn
tois en: cited in AP
- tois -- 0150
- txt --
A B D F G 1739 pm
kolossais: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS
- kolassais -- I K P Y 056 075 0151
6 33 69 81 104 223 326 (330 kolassaeis) 436 462 614 629 630 876
1241supp 1505 1739 1881 1960 2344 2412 pesh hark bo pm;
editions of HF
- defective here but spell kolassais in superscription
or elsewhere -- P46 A
- txt --
B (D kolossaeis) F G L 049 0142 0150
365 (1175 kolossaais) 2464
d f vg sa arm; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
agiois kai pistois adelfois: cited in AP T
- adelfois agiois kai pistois -- P pesh
- txt -- P46-vid pm
cristw: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V
- cristw ihsou -- A D* F G 33 104 442 629
d f vg (pesh) samss bomss;
editions of (Lachmann)
- txt --
B D2 K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
81 330 365 436 462 630 1175 1241supp 1505 1739 1881 2344 2464
pm; editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T V UBS VS WH
patros hmwn: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS;
Mlat (Nlat) vgst (vgww)
- patros hmwn kai kuriou Ihsou Cristou --
A C F G I (P 0150 (dem) tol hark** patros hmwn kai Ihsou Cristou tou kuriou hmwn)
(056 0142 omit hmwn) 075
6 88 104 223 256 365 436 462 630 876
(1241supp 2492 patros umwn kai...)
1319 1960 1962 2127 2344 2412 2464
(b) f cav colb
(leg et christo iesu domino nostro) (bo) armmss geo2
(Ambrosiaster apud U3) Jerome; editions of HF
- txt -- B D K L Y 049 0151
33 81 103 181 326 330 451 460 1175 1505 1739 1852 1881 1984 1985
a d m(*apud U4) am div ful
harl(marg apud U3) karl marian
reg sangall sanger
pesh sa armmss geo1 slav
(Ambrosiasterapud NA27);
editions of B M N13 NEB So T V UBS VS WH
Colossians 1:3 -- eucaristoumen tw qew kai patri tou kuriou
hmwn ihsou cristou pantote peri umwn proseucomenoi
eucaristoumen: cited in AP T
- eucaristw -- C2 armmss?
- eucaristwmen -- 330
- txt --
A B C* D F G 1739 rell
qew kai patri: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V;
- qew patri -- B C* 1739; editions of N13 NEB So T UBS WH
- qew tw patri -- D* F G 2005; editions of (Weiss)
- deo patri, i.e. qew patri vel qew tw patri --
b d m colb harlc? pesh? hark? sa bo al
- txt --
A C2
Dc(=D1 apud NA27 etc., D2 apud U4 etc.)
I K L P Y 049 056 0142
0150 0151 6 33 81 88 (102 qew kai tw patri) 104 181
223 256 326 330 365 436 451 462 629 630 876
1175 1241supp 1319
1505 1881 1962 2127 2344 2412 2464 2492 a f am dem ful tol arm geo;
editions of B HF M V VS
tou kuriou hmwn ihsou cristou: cited in Mlat
- omit -- d bam colb harlc gran val
- txt -- D F G am cav ful hub theo pm
cristou: cited in AP B M N13 N27 T V
- omit -- B 1739 1881; editions of (Weiss)
- txt --
A C D F G rell; editions of B HF M (N13 in []) NEB So T UBS V VS (WH in [])
peri: cited in AP B M N13 N27 T VS
- uper -- B D* F G 075 33 69 326 436 442 462 1908 2344c al;
editions of WHmarg
- txt --
A C D2 K L P Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151
81 104 223 330 365 630 876 1175 1241supp 1505 1739 1881 1960 2412 2344* 2464
pm; editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WHtxt
Colossians 1:4 -- akousantes thn pistin umwn en cristw ihsou
kai thn agaphn hn ecete eis pantas tous agious
akousantes: cited in T
- akouantes -- 33 pc
- txt --
A B C D F G 1739 pm
en cristw: cited in AP M T
- en kuriou -- P61-vid
* A
- txt -- 2
B C D F G K L P Y 049 056
(075 69 104 326 330 436 442 462 1908 2344c al thn en cristw)
0142 0150 0151 33 81 104 256 1175 1319 1739 rell
hn ecete: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T (V) VS
- thn -- D2 K L Y 049 056 0142 0151
6 223 630 876 1739 1881 1960 2344* 2412;
editions of HF
- omit -- B
- txt -- (P61-vid ...cete)
A C D* F G P 075 0150 (33 hn echte)
81 104 256 326 330 365 436 462
1175 1241supp 1319 1505 1908 2127 2344c 2464
a b d f m vg hark sa bo armmss;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS (WH in [])
pantas tous agious: cited in AP
- pantas tous agiou -- D*
- txt -- D2 F G (a d ful reg sangall omnes sanctos;
am cav karl leg sanger sanctos omnes) pm
Colossians 1:5 -- dia thn elpida thn apokeimenhn umin en
tois ouranois hn prohkousate en tw logw ths alhqeias tou euaggeliou
tois ouranois: cited in AP
- ouranois -- 0150
- txt --
A B C D F G 1739 pm
umin: cited in Mlat Nlat
- hmin -- 876
- omit -- ful
- txt --
A B C D F G 1739 am cav hub theo tol val pm
prohkousate: cited in M VS
- hkousate -- 919 vg? sa? Marcion
- txt -- P61-vid
A B C D F G 1739 pm
Colossians 1:6 -- tou parontos eis umas kaqws kai en
panti tw kosmw estin karpoforoumenon kai auxanomenon kaqws kai en umin
af hs hmetas hkousate kai epegnwte thn carin tou qeou en alhqeia
en panti: cited in AP T
- panti -- K 0151
- txt -- P46 rell
estin: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS
- kai estin -- D2 F G K L P Y
049 056 075 0142 0151 6 181 206 223 462 630 1505 1960 2344 2464c
d f m vg Ambrosiaster;
editions of (HF al kai esti)
- txt -- P46
D* P 0150 33 81 104 326 330 365 436 1175 1241supp 1739 1881
1912 2464* bo arm;
editions of B M N13 NEB
(So al esti) T UBS V VS WH
kai auxanomenon: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS
- omit -- D1 K 049 056 0142 0151
6 323 614 629 630 876 1022 2344* 2412 pm;
editions of HFmarg
- txt -- P46 P61-vid
A B C D*
F G L P Y 075 0150 33 81 104 223 256 330 365 436 462 1175 1241supp
1319 1505 1739 1881 1960 2127 2344c 2464 d f vg bo
(pesh? hark? arm? Ephraem auxanomenon kai karpoforoumenon)
Ambrosiaster pm;
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
en umin: cited in (AP) (T)
- umin -- (D*vid apud T)
(D* illeg. apud AP)
- txt -- P46 D1 d rell
hs: cited in AP T
- omit -- F G
- txt -- P46 P61-vid D rell
Colossians 1:7 -- kaqos emaqete apo epafra tou agaphtou sundoulou
hmwn os estin pistos uper umwn diakonos tou cristou
kaqws: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T VS
- kaqws kai -- D2 K L Y (049 kai kaqws)
056 075 0142 0151
104 223 365 630 876 1175 1505 1739 1881 1960 2412 hark; editions of HF
- txt -- P46
A B C D* F G
P 0150 33 81 629 1241supp 1906 2464
a b d f m am dem ful tol bo goth; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
emaqete: cited in AP T
- maqetai -- F G
- txt -- P46
emaqate!) D (462 emaqetai) pm
apo: cited in T
- para -- 33 241 436
- txt -- P46 P61-vid
A B C D F G 1739 pm
sundoulou hmwn: cited in AP; Mlat
- sundolou hmwn -- P46*
- sundulous hmwn -- F
- kai sundoulou hmwn -- 223
- txt -- P46c
G (Y sundoulou umwn) (harl theo kai sundoulou hmwn) pm
os: cited in AP
- o -- P46
- txt --
A B C D F G 1739 pm
uper umwn: cited in AP B M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS
- uper hmwn -- P46
* A B D* F G
3 5 (6apud B, (M)) 206* 322 326* 436 623 1505 2344c 2401
m(*apud U3)
Ambrosiastercomm; editions of B M NEBtxt
Sotxt VS WHtxt
- txt -- 2
C D1 K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
(6apud U4) 33 81 104 223 256 326c 330 451 462 629 630 876
1175 1241supp 1319 1739 1881 1960 1962 2127 2344* 2412 2464 2492
a b d f vg pesh hark sa bo arm goth eth;
editions of HF N13 NEBmarg
Somarg T UBS V WHmarg
tou cristou: cited in AP T; Mlat
- cristou -- K 0151 3 209*
- cristou ihsou -- f vg goth
- txt -- P46 D F G a pm (2344 omit diakonos...
8 hmin thn umwn)
Colossians 1:8 -- o kai dhlwsas hmin thn umwn agaphn en pneumati
o kai: cited in AP
- kai -- 0142
- txt -- P46 056 pm
Colossians 1:9 -- dia touto kai hmeis af hs hmeras hkousamen ou
pauomeqa uper umwn proseucomenoi kai aitoumenoi ina plhrwqhte thn epignwsin
qelhmatos autou en pash sofia kai sunesei pneumatikh
kai hmeis: cited in AP
- hmeis -- 049
- txt -- P46 pm
kai aitoumenoi: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V
- omit -- B K 0151 122* pc
- txt -- P46
L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 6 33 81 104 223 256 330 365 436 462 630 876 1175
1241supp 1319 1505 1739 1881 1960 2127 2412
(2344c proseucomenos kai aitoumenoi) 2464
d f am dem ful tol pm
thn epignwsin: cited in AP M T
- th epignwsei -- D1 (Iapud M)
69 436 440 462 2344c
- txt -- P46 D*,2 F G rell? (ad. Lat.
cf. T, Mlat)
Colossians 1:10 -- peripathsai axiws tou kuriou eis pasan
areskeian en panti ergw agatw karpoforountes kai auxanomenoi th epignwsei
tou qeou
peripathsai: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS
- peripathsai umas -- 2
D2 K L P Y 049 056 075 0142
(0150 peripathsai hmas) 0151 104 223 330 365 436 630 876 1505
1960 2344* 2412 arm; editions of HF
- txt -- P46
* A B C
D* F G 6 33 69 81 326 462 1175 1241supp 1739 1881 1906*
2344c 2464; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
tou kuriou: cited in AP M T
- tou qeou -- 075 81 1908
(dapud M) (fapud T) vg
pesh (Ambrosiaster)
- txt -- P46 P61-vid pm
areskeian: cited in AP T VS
- areskian --
A C D F G P; editions of T V VS WH
- txt -- P46 B K L Y 049 056 075 0142
0150 0151 223 330 436 462 876 1739 1960 2344 2412;
editions of B HF M N13(!) NEB So UBS
th epignwsei: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T (V) VS;
Mlat Nlat vgst
- en th epignwsei -- 2
Y 075 6 104 330 1175 1505 1908 a b d f m cav dem ful karl leg
reg sangall sanger (tolapud Mlat)
- eis thn epignwsin -- D2 K L 049 056 0142 0150 0151
223 436 462 630 876 1960 2344 2412;
editions of HF
- txt -- P46
* A B C
D* F G I P 33 81 365 442 1241supp 1739 1881
1912 2464 am (tolapud T) arm;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
Colossians 1:11 -- en pash dunamei dunamoumenoi kata to
kratos ths doxhs autou eis pasan upomonhn kai makroqumian meta caras
dunamei dunamoumenoi: cited in AP
- dunamei kai dunamoumenoi -- 049
- txt -- P46 pm
ths doxhs: cited in T; (Mlat)
- ths iscuos -- 33
- claritatis -- am cav ful hub theo tol val
- txt -- P46-vid P61-vid
1739 (d g legc Ambrosiaster gloriae) pm
eis pasan: cited in AP
- eis pas pasan -- D*
- txt -- P46 D2 F G pm
Colossians 1:12 -- eucaristountes tw patri tw ikanwsanti hmas
eis thn merida tou klhrou twn agiwn en tw fwti
eucaristountes: cited in AP N27
- kai eucaristountes -- P46-vid 1175 Ambrosiaster
- txt --
A B C(3 321 326 436marg eucaristoume[n])
D F G pm
eucar. tw: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V
- eucar. ama tw -- P46 B
- txt --
A C D F G K L P 33 1739 rell
tw patri: cited in AP (B) HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 (V) VS;
Mlat Nlat (vgst) vgww
- tw qew patri --
(F G qew tw patri)
69 (365apud N27)
f cav colb ful tol val pesh sams boms
(armapud U4) Speculum;
editions of WHmarg
- tw qew kai patri -- C3 075 0150 6 81c 88 104
223 256 263 326 (365apud U4)
436 459 462 614 629 1319 1573 1739marg 1877 2127 2200c
2412 (2495 tw patri kai qew)
a dem harl* hub theo hark** slav;
editions of HFmarg
- tw patri tou cristou -- 330 451 2492
- omit -- (1881apud U3, U4)
- txt -- P46 A B C* D K L P Y 049 056
0142 0150 0151 33 81* 181 424 630 876 1175 1241supp 1505 1739*
1852 (1881apud NA27) 1912 1960 1962 2200* 2344 2464
b d m am karl sanger samss bomss
(armapud U3, U4)
geo goth Ambrosiaster;
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WHtxt
ikanwsanti: cited in AP (B) M N13 N27 So T U4 V VS
- kalesanti -- D*(,2 apud U4)
F G 33 436 1175 (aapud N27, M) b d f m sa arm goth
Ambrosiaster Speculum
- kalesanti kai ikanwsanti -- B (2344 ikanwsanti kai kalesanti)
(aapud U4);
editions of (Lachmann) (Weiss)
- txt -- P46-vid
D(2 apud N27, T, 1 apud U4)
I K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
6 81 104 256 263 365 424 630 1175 1241supp
1319 1573 1739 1881 1912 1962 2127 2464
vg pesh hark pal bo ; editions of B HF N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
hmas: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 VS;
(Mlat) Nlat vgst vgww
- umas --
B 69 104 256 263 365 436 459 629 1175 1319 1573 1739 1881 1906 1984 1985 2127
2344c 2492* am cav sangall tol harkmarg
sa arm goth eth slav Ambrosiaster; editions of
N13 NEB Somarg T UBS V VS WHtxt
- txt -- A C D F G K L P Y 049 056 075
0142 0150 0151 6 33 81vid 223 326 330 424 436 451 462 630 876
1241supp 1505 1960 1962 2344* 2421 2464 2492c
a b d f m colb dem ful hub karl leg reg sanger val pesh harktxt bo geo eth;
editions of B HF M Sotxt WHmarg
twn agiwn: cited in AP
- omit -- 0150
- txt -- P46-vid P61-vid pm
en tw fwti: cited in AP T
- tw fwti -- C*
- txt --
A B C2 D F G rell
Colossians 1:13 -- os errusato hmas ek ths exousias tou
skotous kai metesthsen eis thn basileian tou uiou ths agaphs autou
errusato: cited in AP T
- erusato -- B* F G(* eurusato) P 0150 2344c;
editions of M T V WH
- txt -- P46
A Bc C
D K L Y 049 056 075 0142 0151 223 330 436 462 876 1739 1960 2344* 2412 pm;
editions of B HF N13(!) NEB So UBS VS
hmas: cited in AP T;
Nlat vgst vgww
- umas -- P 056 0142 104 314 876 1906 am cav pc
- txt -- P46
K L Y 049 075 0150 0151 223 330 436 462 1739 1960 2344 2412
ful hub karl leg reg sangall sanger val al
Colossians 1:14 -- en w ecomen thn apolutrwsin thn afesin
twn amartiwn
ecomen: cited in AP B M N13 N27 So T V
- escomen -- B 635? sa bo; editions of WHmarg
- ecwmen -- 1022*
- txt --
(A illeg.) C D F G 1739 rell; editions of
thn apolutrwsin: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 So T U4 VS;
Mlat Nlat vgst vgww
- thn apolutrwsin dia tou aimatos autou -- 206 223 330 383 424 614 630 876
1505 1518 1912 1960 2005 2200 2344* 2412 2464 dem leg hark arm slav al;
editions of HFmarg
- txt --
A B C D F G K L P Y 049 056 075 1041 0150 0151
6 33 81 104 256 263 365 436 459 462 630
1022 1175 1241supp 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1962 2127 2344*
(a bam harl* wir kai thn apolutrwsin) b (d omit thn apolutrwsin)
f m am (cav) ful harlc (hub) karl (reg) sangall sanger tol
pesh pal sa bo geo eth pm;
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS WH
thn afesin: cited in AP T
- omit -- D*
- txt --
A B C D2 F G 1739 (f kai thn afesin) pm
Colossians 1:15 -- os estin eikwn tou qeou tou aoratou
prwtotokos pashs ektistai
os: cited in AP T
- o -- F G
- txt -- A
B C D 1739 f rell
eikwn: cited in AP
- omit -- 056* 0142*
- txt --
A B C D F G 1739 pm
prwtotokos pashs ktisews...16 ...ta panta:
cited in M T VS
- omit -- Marcionapud Tertullian (et apud M, VS,
sed. cf. v. 16!)
- txt -- P46
F G 1739 rell
prwtotokos: cited in AP
- prwtokos -- F
- txt --
A B C D G 1739 pm
ktisews: cited in AP
- ths ktisews -- 0151 2412
- txt --
A B C D F G K 1739 pm
Colossians 1:16 -- oti en autw ektisqh ta panta ta en tois
ouranois kai ta epi ths ghs ta orata kai ta aorata eite qronoi eite
kuriothtos eite arcai eite exousiai ta panta di autou kai eis auton ektistai
ta panta: cited in AP T
- panta -- K 0151 442 463
- txt -- P46 rell
ta en tois ouranois: cited in AP B HF (M) N13 (N27) T VS
- en tois ouranois -- P46
* B D* F G
Y 6 33 69 1739; editions of B N13 NEB So T UBS WH
- ta te en tois ouranois -- C
- txt -- 2
A D2 K L P 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 81 104 223 330 365 436 462 630 876
1175 1241supp 1881? 1960 2344(c omit tois)
2412 2464
arm goth; editions of HF M V VS
kai ta epi ths ghs: cited in AP B HF (M) N13 (N27) T VS
- kai epi ths ghs -- P46
* B
Y 6 33 1739 1881?; editions of B N13 NEB So T UBS WH
- txt -- P46
A C D F G K L P 049 056 0142 0150 0151 81 104 223 330 365 436 462 630 876
1175 1241supp 1505 1960 2344 2412 2464; editions of HF M V VS
ta orata kai ta aorata: cited in T
- ta aorata kai ta orata -- 69
- ta orata kai aorata -- 1739
- txt -- P46
A B C D F G pm
exousiai ta panta: cited in AP N27
- exousiai oti panta -- P46
- txt --
A B C D F G 1739 rell
di autou kai eis auton: cited in T
- eis auton kai di autou -- 69
- di autw kai eis auton -- 2344c
- txt -- P46 pm
ektistai: cited in AP T
- ektisai -- C
- kekteistai -- F G
- txt -- P46
A B D 33 1739 rell
Colossians 1:17 -- kai autos estin pro pantwn kai
ta panta en autw sunesthken
v. 17: cited in AP
- omit -- (Fapud AP)
- txt -- P46 D (Fapud T) G pm
ta panta: cited in AP M T
- panta -- D (Fapud T) G 33* arm
- txt -- P46
A B C 1739 pm
en autw: cited in AP M T
- autw -- P46 (Fapud T) G Origen?
- txt --
A B C D 1739 f? pm
Colossians 1:18 -- kai autos estin h kefalh tou swmatos ths
ellkhsias os estin arch prwtotokos ek twn nekrwn ina genhtai en pasin
autos prwteuwn
h kefalh: cited in AP T
- kefalh -- 075 0150 0151 33 1908 arm?
- txt -- P46
A B C D 223 330 436 462 876 1739 1960 2344 2412 pm
os estin: cited in AP T
- o estin -- P46 F G 69
- txt --
A B C D 1739 f pm;
arch: cited in AP (B) M (N13) (N27) T (VS)
- h arch -- P46 B 075 0278 6 (81apud B, M)
104 424c
(1175apud N27) 1739 1881 1908 pc;
editions of (WH [h] arch)
- aparch -- 056 0142 33 181 442 pc
- txt --
A C D F G K L P Y 049 0150 0151 (81apud N27)
223 876 (1175apud B, M) 1960 2412 pm;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS
ek twn nekrwn: cited in AP M N27 T
- twn nekrwn -- P46
- txt -- 2
A B C D F G (330 ek nekrwn) 1739 rell
Colossians 1:19 -- oti en autw eudokhsen pan o plhrwma
oti en autw: cited in AP
- oti o en autw -- 056* 0142
- txt -- P46 pm
eudokhsen: cited in AP T VS
- hudokhsen -- A D P 0150 0278 462 2344c
- edokhsen --
(*apud AP)
- txt -- P46
(apud T,
2 apud AP)
B C F G K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0151 223 330 436 876 1739 1960 2344* 2412 pm
plhrwma: cited in AP M; Mlat Nlat
- plhrwma ths qeothtos -- 075 330 a f am bam harl* hub oxon wir arm
Ambrosiaster pc
- txt -- P46
G K L P Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278 223 436 462 876 1739 1960 2344 2412
cav ful tol pm
katoikhsai: cited in Mlat Nlat
- add corporaliter -- (ful inhabitare corporaliter,
mon tol habitare corporalier) Pelagius
- txt -- P46 D F G (a f am bam hub oxon reg habitare,
d cav theo val inhabitare) pm
Colossians 1:20 -- kai di autou apokatallaxai ta panta
eis auton eirhnopoinhsas dia tou aimatos tou staurou autou di autou
eita ta epi ths ghs eite ta en tois ouranois
apokatallaxai: cited in AP T
- katallaxai -- 049 2344c
- apokatallaxh -- A
- txt -- P46
B C D F G 1739 pm
autou di autou: cited in AP (B) (HF) (M) (N13) (N27) T (U3) (U4) (V) VS
- di autou -- P46 Y
- autou -- B D* F G I L 075 (0151 omit tou staurou autou di autou)
0278 81 104 436 442 1739 1906* 1908 d f vg arm;
editions of HFmarg
- txt --
A C D1 K L P 049 056 0150 0278 33 223 330 462 876 1960 2344 2412 pesh hark bo;
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T V VS
(UBS WH autou [di autou])
ths ghs: cited in AP M T
- ghs -- P46 B 056 0142 2344c
- txt --
A C D F G K L P Y 049 075 0150 0151 0278 33 81 104 330 436 462 1175
1739 2344* pm
en tois ouranois: cited in AP HF T VS
- en ouranois -- 0142
- epi tois ouranois -- (Kapud AP)
L 049 0151 1022 1960 2401 2423; editions of HFtxt
- txt -- P46
F G (Kapud T)
P Y 056 075 0150 0278 33 223 330 436 462 876 1739 2344;
editions of B HFmarg M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
ghs...ouranois: cited in
Mlat Nlat vgst
- ouranois...ghs -- f ful orl oxon reg (sangall) wir
- txt -- P46 D F G a d am cav (leg) sanger pm
Colossians 1:21 -- kai umas pote ontas aphllotriwmenous kai
ecqrous th dianoia en tois ergois tois ponhrois
aphllotriwmenous: cited in AP
- aphllotriwmenos -- 0278
- aphllwtriwmenous -- 330 2344c
- txt -- P46 pm
ecqrous: cited in AP T
- ekqrous -- F G
- ecrous -- 0278
- txt -- P46 D rell
th dianoia: cited in AP M T V
- ths dianoias -- D* (F G f ths dianoias umwn)
(P ths dianoia!) (a d wir ths dianoias autou?)
ful harl* mon Irenaeus Hilary Ambrosiaster
- txt -- P46 D2 am cav hub theo tol val
Colossians 1:22 -- nuni de apokathllaxen en tw swmati
ths sarkos autou dia tou qanatou parasthtai umas agious kai amwmous
kai anegklhtous katenwpion autou
nuni: cited in AP T
- nun -- P46 D* F G
- txt --
A B C D2 1739 rell
apokathllaxen: cited in AP B (M) N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V
- apokathllaghte -- B; editions of
Somarg WHmarg
- apokatallaghte -- P46
- apokathllaghtai -- 33
- aphllaxen -- 104 459
- apokatallagentes -- D* F G b d goth Ambrosiaster Irenaeuslat Speculum
- txt --
A C D2 K L
(Papud AP
Yapud AP 0278
81apud U3 330 451 2127apud U3
2492 apekathllaxen)
048? 049 056 0142 0150 0151 6 256 365 436 462 630 1175 1241supp 1319 1505
1739 1881 1962 2344 2464 a f m am dem ful tol pesh hark arm geo eth slav pm;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB Sotxt T UBS V VS WHtxt
en tw swmati: cited in AP
- tw swmati -- P46
- txt --
A B D F G 1739 pm
ths sarkos autou: cited in AP (M) T V
- ths sarkos -- F G
- autou -- Marcion (apud Tertullian)
- txt -- P46 D pm
qanatou: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 T V VS
- qanatou autou --
A P 056 0142 81 88 206 223 326 (330 qanatou eautour)
429 614 630 876 1241supp 1518 1799 1912 1960 2412 2464 a
pesh hark** arm Irenaeuslat Speculum; editions of
HFmarg VS
- txt -- P46-vid B C D F G Ivid K L P Y 049
075 0150 0151 0278 33 104 223 365 436 462 876 1175 1505 1739 1881 1960 2344 2412
b d f vg goth Tertullian; editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T
parasthtai: cited in AP T
- parasthtas -- Y
- exhibete -- d g Speculum?
- txt -- P46 D F G pm
anegklhtous: cited in AP
- aneklhtous -- F G
- txt -- (P46 a...klhtous)
A B C D 1739 pm
Colossians 1:23 -- ei ge epimenete th pistei teqemeliwmenoi
kai edraioi kai mh metakinoumenoi apo ths elpidos tou euaggeliou ou hkousate
tou khrucqentos en pash ktisei th upo ton ouranon ou egenomhn egw Paulos
ei ge: cited in AP
- ei ge kai -- 056 0142
- txt -- P46 pm
kai mh: cited in AP M N27 T
- mh -- P46-vid 33 489
- txt --
A B C D F G 1739 rell
ou hkousate: cited in AP T
- omit -- K
- txt --
A B C D F G 0151 1739 rell
en pash ktisei: cited in AP HF M N27 T
- en pash th ktisei -- 2
D2 K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
81 104 365 630 1505 1739 1881 2464; editions of HF
- txt -- (P46 en pash k....)
* A B C D*
F G 33 69 326 614 1175 1241supp arm; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS
upo ton ouranon: cited in AP T
- up ouranon -- F G 4* 429
- txt --
A B C D 1739 pm
diakonos: cited in AP M T
- khrux kai apostolos -- *
P m
- diakonos kai apostolos -- 81 eth
- khrux kai apostolos kai diakonos -- A harkmarg sams
- txt -- 2
B C D F G K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278 33 1739
d f am dem ful tol pesh harktxt bo arm pm
Colossians 1:24 -- nun cairw en tois paqhmasin uper umwn
kai antanaplhrw ta usterhmata twn qliyewn tou cristou en th sarki mou
uper tou stwmatos autou o estin h ekklhsia
nun: cited in AP M T
- os nun -- D* F G d f Ambrosiaster
- txt --
A B C Dc F G 1739 (1799 adelfoi nun) pm
paqhmasin: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T VS
- paqhmasin mou -- 2
075 81 223 323 (326apud N27)
330 629 1241supp 1505
1912 1960 2005 2344* 2464 t hark sa arm eth Chrysostom al;
editions of HFmarg
- txt -- *
A B C D F G 33 81 104 (326apud M) 365 436 462 630 876 1022 1175
1739 (1799 qaumasin) 1881 2344c 2412 a b d f am dem ful tol pm;
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
uper umwn: cited in AP M T
- umwn -- * L
- txt -- 1
A B C D F G K P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278 33 81 104 1175
1739 pm
antanaplhrw: cited in AP T
- antanaplhrwn -- P46
- anaplhrw -- F G 049 181 209* 327
- txt --
A B C D K L P Y 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278 33 1739 pm
en th sarki: cited in AP T
- en sarki -- F G
- en tw swmati -- Y
- txt -- P46-vid
A B C D 1739 pm
uper tou stwmatos autou: cited in AP T
- omit -- Y
- uper tou stwmatos -- D*
- txt --
A B C F G 1739 d f vg pm
o estin: cited in AP T VS
- os estin -- C D* K Y 049 0150 0151 330 1022
- txt --
A B D1 F G L P 056 075 0142 0278 33 81 104 223 436 462 876 1175 1739 1799 1960
2344 2412 pm
h ekklhsia: cited in AP T
- ekklhsia -- D* 460 876
- txt --
A B C D2 F G 1739 pm
Colossians 1:25 -- hs egenomhn egw diakonos kata thn
oikonomian tou qeou thn doqeisan moi eis umas plhrwsai ton logon tou qeou
egw diakonos: cited in AP M T VS;
Mlat Nlat
- egw Paulos diakonos -- *
A P 33 104 241 330 1912 arm
- omit -- 075
- txt -- 2
B C D F G K L Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278
81 104 223 436 462 876 1175 1739 1799 1960 2127 2344 2412
d f am cav dem (ful mon diakonos egw) hub theo tol val pesh hark
logon tou qeou: cited in AP
- logon tou qeou tout estin eis ta eqnh -- 075
- txt --
A B C D F G 1739 pm
Colossians 1:26 -- to musterion to apokekrummenon apo twn
aiwnwn kai apo twn genewn nun de efanerwqh tois agiois autou
nun de: cited in AP HF (M) T VS
- o nun -- H 075 0278 69? (330apud Davies)
436 1175 (1906? o nuni) 1908 hark** arm
- txt --
B C F G P Y 048 33 (330apud M) 1739
(A D K L 049 056 0142 0150 0151 223 462 876
1799 1960 2344 2412 pm HF nuni de)
efanerwqh: cited in AP (M) T
- fanerwqen -- D*
- efanerwqen -- D2
- egnwrisqh -- 2005 hark**
- txt --
A B C F G 33 1739 pm
agiois: cited in AP M T V
- apostolois -- F G
- txt --
A B C D 33 1739 d f vg rell
Colossians 1:27 -- os hqelhsen o qeos gnwrisai ti to
ploutos ths doxhs to musteriou toutou en tois eqnesin os estin cristos
en umin h elpis ths doxhs
gnwrisai: cited in AP
- gnwnai -- Y
- txt --
A B C D F G 1739 pm
ti to ploutos: cited in AP HF M T (V) VS
- tis o ploutos --
C P Y 075 0150 81 104 223 436 1960;
editions of HFmarg
- to ploutos -- F G
- ton plouton -- D*
- txt -- P46 A B D1 H K L 049 056
0142 0151 0278 33 330 462 (876 ti to platos!) 1022 1175 1739 1799 2412;
editions of B HF txt M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
ths doxhs: cited in AP N27
- omit -- P46
- txt --
A B C D F G 33 1739 pm
toutou: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V
- tou qeou -- D* F G (b d f Ambrosiaster mysterii dei?)
- txt -- P46-vid
(* Clement? tou)
A B C D2 33 1739 (arm autou?)
(a mysterii huius?; am dem ful tol sacramenti huius)
os estin: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 T V VS
- o estin -- P46 A B F G P
6 33 424c 1739 1881 1908 a b d f vg;
editions of NEB (So o esti) UBS WHtxt
- txt --
C D H I K L Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
81 104 223 330 365 436 462 630 876 1175
1241supp 1505 1799 2127 2344 2412 2464;
editions of B HF M N13 T V VS WHmarg
elpis ths doxhs: cited in AP
- elpis doxhs -- 048
- txt -- P46 pm
Colossians 1:28 -- on hmeis kataggellomen vouqetountes panta
anqrwpon kai didaskontes panta anqrwpon en pash sofia ina parasthswmen
panta anqrwpon teleion en cristw
on hmeis: cited in AP
- en hmeis -- Y
- txt -- P46 pm
kataggellomen: cited in AP
- kataggellountes -- P46
- txt --
A B C (D katangellomen) F G
(330 2344c kataggelomen) 1739 pm
vouqetountes panta anqrwpon: cited in AP
- vouqetountes -- Y
- txt -- P46 pm
kai didaskontes panta anqrwpon: cited in
AP HF (M) N13 N27 T (V) VS
- kai didaskontes -- D* F G 0142 0278
33 326 330 614 629 d f ful leg mon reg tol (pesh) eth
Ambrosiaster al;
editions of HFmarg
- omit -- L 81 424c 442 460 1241supp 1505
1908 2344c Clement? al
- txt -- P46
D2 K P Y 049 056 075 0150 0151
223 104 365 436 462 630 876 1175 1739 1799 1881 1960 2412 2464
am cav hub theo val pm;
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
sofia: cited in AP M T V
- sofia pneumatike -- F G d f
- txt -- P46 D pm (436* 1799 omit en pash sofia
ina parasthswmen panta anqrwpon)
parasthswmen: cited in T
- parasthsomen -- (Papud T) 69
- txt -- P46 (Papud AP) pm
panta anqrwpon teleion: cited in
Mlat Nlat vgst
- teleion -- d f ful reg sangall tol Ambrosiaster
- txt -- P46 D F G a am cav hub leg sanger theo val pm
cristw: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS
- cristw ihsou -- 2
D2 H K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
6 104 223 330 365 436 462 630 876 1175 1505 1799 2344 2412 f am dem ful tol sa goth arm eth;
editions of HF
- txt -- P46
A B C D* F G 33 81 1241supp 1739 1881 1960 2464
b d m* Clement Ambrosiaster; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
Colossians 1:29 -- eis o kai kopiw agwnizomenos kata thn energeian
autou thn energoumenhn en emoi en dunamei
eis o: cited in AP T
- en o -- F G d? f?
- txt -- P46 D (330 eis on) pm
dunamei: cited in AP
- dunamei -- Hc
- txt -- P46 pm
Colossians 2:1 -- qelw gar umas eidenai hlikon agwna ecw uper
umwn kai twn en laodikeia kai osoi ouc ewrakan to proswpon mou en sarki
gar: cited in AP M T VS
- de -- H 075 69 88 436 462 1319 1908 23442 2401
- txt -- P46
Y 049 056 0142 0278 33 223 330 1739 pm
eidenai: cited in AP
- eidena -- A
- + fratres -- a (1799 add adelfoi pro qelw);
[cited in Mlat]
- txt -- P46 rell
ecw: cited in AP
- ecwmen -- 0150
- omit -- 1799
- txt -- P46 rell
uper: cited in AP HF N13 N27 T VS
- peri -- D*,2 F G K L 049 056 0142 0151 0208 330 2344; editions of HF
- txt -- P46
A B C D1
H P Y 075 0150 0278 33 81 104 365 436 442 630 1175 1505 1739 1881 1912
2464; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
laodik(e)ia: cited in AP T VS
- laodikia --
A B* C D* F G H K L P 075 0142 0208 0278; editions of T V WH
- Laudiciae (for Laodiciae) -- (a) am* harl*; [cited in Mlat]
- txt -- P46 B2 D2 Y 049
056 0150 0151; editions of B HF M N13(!) NEB So UBS VS
laodikeia sine add.: cited in M N13 N27 T V
- add kai twn en ierapolei (cf. 4:13) -- 88 104 330 424 442 463 syrh**
- txt -- P46 0151 rell
osoi: cited in AP
- osou -- K*
- txt -- P46 rell
ewrakan: cited in AP [B] (HF) (M) T (VS)
- eorakan -- *
C P 048vid 0208; editions of B N13 NEB T UBS V WH
- ewrakasin -- D1 L Y 059 056 075 0142
editions of (HF So ewrakasi) VS
- eorakasin -- 2
D2 H K 0151 0278 1022*;
- txt -- (P46 eorakan mou) A B D* 0150 1739;
editions of M
en sarki: cited in AP T V
- omit -- *
- txt -- P46 rell
Colossians 2:2 -- ina paraklhqwsin ai kardiai autwn
sumbibasqentes en agaph kai eis pan ploutos ths plhroforias ths sunesews
eis epignwsin tou musthriou tou qeou cristou
sumbibasqentes: cited in AP (HF) (M) (N13) (N27) T (V) (VS)
- sumbibasqentwn -- 2
D2 K L Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; editions of HF
- sunbibasqentes -- P46-vid C D; editions of WH
- sumbibasqwsin -- 1881
- txt --
A B H P 6 33 424c 462 1739 1906 1912; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS
kai: cited in AP N13 N27 T
- omit -- D* d e pesh Hilary Ambrosiaster
- txt -- P46 rell
pan ploutos: cited in AP (B) HF M N13 N27 So T VS
- pan tou ploutos -- A C 33 81 424c
- panta plouton -- 2
D1 Hvid K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
0278; editions of HF
- panta ton plouton -- D*
- txt -- P46
* B
0208vid 6 1241supp 1739; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
tou qeou cristou: cited in AP (B) (HF) M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS;
Mlat Nlat vgst (vgww)
- tou qeou kai patros kai tou cristou -- D2 K L
049 056 0142 0151 104 223 330 syh**; editions of HF V
- tou qeou -- D1 H P 6 69 424c 436* 462 1881 1912
23442 2464 sams
- tou cristou -- 81 1241supp b?
- cristou -- 1739 b?
- tou qeou o estin cristos -- D* a d e Augustinept
- tou qeou tou en cristw -- 33 armzoh Ambrosiaster
- tou qeou patros cristou --
* 048
- tou qeou patros tou cristou -- A C 4 1175; editions of VS
- tou qeou patros kai cristou -- 0150
- (tou) qeou patros kai cristou ihsou -- vgcl
- (tou) qeou patros kai kuriou cristou ihsou -- (dem) hub theo Speculum
- (tou) qeou patros kai kuriou hmwn ihsou cristou -- leg
- (tou) qeou patros cristou ihsou -- f am ful karl reg sangall sanger
- (tou) qeou cristou ihsou patros kai kuriou -- cav
- tou qeou patros kai tou cristou -- 075 0208 0278 442 459 1908
- tou qeou kai patros tou cristou --
Y 256 263 365 945 1319 1505 1962 2127
- txt -- P46 B Hilary; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS
(WH marks primitive error)
Colossians 2:3 -- en w eisin pantes oi qhsauroi ths sofias
kai gnwsews apokruphoi
qhsauroi: cited in AP
- qhsauroi kai -- 049
- txt -- P46 rell
gnwsews: cited in AP HF N13 N27 T VS
- ths gnwsews -- 2
A D2 (H ths epignwsews) K L P 049 056 0142
0150 0151 0278 223 330; editions of HF
- omit kai gnwsews -- reg Ambrose [cited in Mlat vgst]
- txt -- (P46 kai | ...sews)
B C D* Y 075 0208 33 103 1175 1739 1881 1908 1912 2464;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
Colossians 2:4 -- touto de legw ina mhdeis umas paralogizhtai en
de: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 T V VS
- omit -- P46
* A*vid
B H 81 1241supp 1611 m Ambrosiaster Augustine;
editions of B N13 NEB So T UBS WH
- gar -- 330
- txt -- 2
Ac C D K L P Y 048 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
0208 0278 33 223 1739 1881 a b d f vg; editions of HF M V VS
mhdeis: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS
- mh tis -- 2
K L Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278 104 223 2344*; editions of HF
- txt -- *
A B C D H P 048 0208 33 69 81 326 330 365 436 462 1175 1241supp 1739 1881
1906 1912 23442 2464; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
umas: cited in AP T
- hmas -- P46 C 049
- txt --
A B D F G 1739pm
paralogizhtai: cited in AP T
- paralogishtai -- P46 C2 (C* illegible) H
P 0278 33
- paralogizetai -- 436
- txt --
A B D F G 1739 pm
piqanologia: cited in T
- peiqanologia -- D1 L 330 431
- txt -- P46
D* F G 1739 pm; editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
(ad lat cf. Mlat T)
Colossians 2:5 -- ei gar kai th sarki apeimi alla tw
pneumati sun umin eimi cairwn kai blepwn umwn thn taxin kai to
sterewma ths eis criston pistews umwn
alla: cited in AP T
- alla ge -- D* Dabs1*
- txt P46 rell
cairwn: cited in AP
- cairw oun -- 075
- txt -- P46 rell
kai to sterewma: cited in T; Mlat
- un in [=et id Tconj] quod deest necessitabus fidei vestrae --
d e
- et supplens id quod deest utilitati fidei vetrae in Christo -- hub tol?
Ambrosiaster Augustine Pelagius (with many variations)
- txt -- (P46 [..]i to sterewma)
A B C D F G 1739 rell
Colossians 2:6 -- ws oun parelabete ton criston ihsoun
ton kurion en autw peripateite
ton criston ihsoun ton kurion: cited in AP T;
Mlat Nlat (vgst)
- ton kurion ihsoun criston -- D 330 (d)
- iesum christum dominum, i.e. (ton) ihsoun criston
(ton) kurion -- (amapud Nlat?)
ful sangall
- ton kurion ihsoun -- 33
- criston ihsoun ton kurion hmwn -- 0208vid
- ihsoun criston ton kurion hmwn -- a
(amapud Mlat, vgst-vid)
cav col theo tol al
- txt --
A B C F G 1739 f hub rell
Colossians 2:7 -- errizwmenoi kai epoikodomoumenoi en autw
kai bebaioumenoi en th pistei kaqws edidacqhte perisseuontes en eucaristia
en autw: cited in AP T
- omit -- *
- txt -- (P46-vid en.....)
A B C D F G 1739 rell
en th pistei: cited in AP (B) HF M N13 N27 So T U4 VS
- th pistei -- B D* H 075 0208 33 81 103 256 263 326 365 442
1241supp 1319* 2127 1908
a b d f m* am ful vgcl;
editions of B N13 NEB So T UBS WH
- en pistei -- A C I Y 0150 181
(424c apud T) 1912 2464
- en autw en th pistei -- 048? sa bo
- en pistei vel en th pistei (P46-vid
en........) mc dem tol arm al
- txt --
D2 K L P 049 056 0142 0151 0278
6 104 223 (330 omit en autw kai bebaioumenoi)
(424c apud U4) 1175 1319c 1739
1881 1962; editions of HF M
(V [en] th pistei) VS
kaqws: cited in AP T
- kaqws kai -- D* 0278 122 464 d f vg
- txt --
A B D2 F G 1739 rell
en eucaristia: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS;
Mlat Nlat vgst (vgww)
- en auth en eucaristia --
(2 D*
(b) d f bam dem gran harl sangall val
harkmg en autw en eucaristia)
B D2 Hc K L
049 056 0142 0151 0278 6 104 223 256 330 365 424c? 1319 2127
(2495 omit en2)
(a) m pesh hark bo arm geo2; editions of HF
Somarg VS
(WH [en auth] en eucaristia)
- en auth -- P Y 048vid
- txt -- *
A C H* Ivid 075 0150 0208 33 69 81 263 442 (462 eucaristeia)
1175 1241supp 1739 1881 1906 1908 1962 2464
am cav ful hub reg sanger tol bo eth geo1 slav;
editions of B M N13 NEB Sotxt T UBS V
Colossians 2:8 -- blepete mh tis umas estai o sulagwgwn
dia ths filosofias kai kenhs apaths kata thn paradosin twn anqrwpwn
kata ta stoiceia tou kosmou kai ou kata cristou
umas estai: cited in AP B N13 N27 T VS
- estai umas --
A D 81 1881; editions of WHmargin
- txt -- B C K L P 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278 33 104 365 1175
1241supp 1739 2464; editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
kai kenhs: cited in M
- ws kenhs -- Marcion?
- txt --
A B C D F G 33 1739 rell
sulagwgwn: cited in AP
- sulagwn --
* D
- txt -- 2
A B C F G 1739 pm (sullagwgwn 330 462 876 2344c 2412)
Colossians 2:9 -- oti en autw katoikei pan to plhrwma ths
qeothtos swmatikos
katoikei: cited in Mlat Nlat
- oikei? (habitat) -- a d f ful* harl mon
Ambrosiaster Cyprian
- txt -- (inhabitat) P46-vid rell
swmatikos: cited in T V
- omit -- Valentiniansapud Irenaeus Cyprian
- txt -- P46 rell
Colossians 2:10 -- kai este en autw peplhrwmenoi os estin h
kefalh pashs archs kai exousias
os: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V
- o -- P46 B D F G 1908*; editions of (Lachmann)
- txt --
A C K L P Y 049 056 0142 0150 0208 0278
33 81 104 365 1175 1241supp 1739 1881 2464
f vg; editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
h kefalh: cited in AP T
- kefalh -- D* F G
- txt -- (P46 h keflh) rell
archs kai exousias: cited in AP M T V
- ths archs ekklhsias --
- ekklhsias -- D*
- ths archs kai exousias -- D1
- txt -- P46
A B C F G 33 1739rell
Colossians 2:11 -- en w kai perietmhqhte peritomh
aceiropoihtw en th apekdusei tou swmatos ths sarkos en th
peritomh tou cristou
kai perietmhqhte: cited in AP T
- perietmhqhte -- F G 2423* g (arm add per fidem)
- txt -- P46 (D kai perietnhqhte)
(1022 kai perietmiqhte) rell
apekdusei: cited in AP T
- apegdusei -- B*
- txt -- P46 Bc rell
swmatos ths sarkos en: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS
- swmatos twn amartiwn ths sarkos en --
D1 K L Y 049 056 075
(0142 omit ths sarkos en) 0150 0151
(0278 swmatos ths sarkos twn amartiwn en)
(b) syr goth; editions of HF
- txt -- P46
* A
B C D* F G P 6 33 81 365 442 462 629 1175 1241supp 1739 1881
1912 2344c 2464
( al ...carnis sed in, i.e. sarkos all en? a
cavapud Mlat, non vgst
d f am ful val sa bo; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
Colossians 2:12 -- suntafentes autw en tw baptismati en w kai sunhgerqhte
dia ths pistews ths energeias tou qeou tou egeirantos auton ek nekrwn
en tw: cited in AP
- omit -- 0142
- txt -- P46 056 rell
baptismati: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 T U3 V VS
- baptismw -- P46
B D* F G 075 0150 0278 6 365 424c 1739 1881 1908 1912 2127;
editions of UBS
- txt -- *
A C D2 K L P Y 049 056 0142 0151
33 81 104 326 330 451 629 630 1241supp 1505 1962 2492;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS WH
sunhgerqhte: cited in AP T
- sunhgerqhmen -- C
- txt -- P46
A B D F G 33 1739rell
tou qeou: cited in AP
- apo tou qeou -- 330
- omit -- 0142
- txt -- P46 056 rell
ek nekrwn: cited in AP B HF N13 N27 T VS
- ek twn nekrwn -- B D F G 0278 6 33 323 326 629 1022 1960 2344*;
editions of HFtxt So
- txt -- P46
049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
69 81 104 223 330 365 424c 436 442 462 876 1175 1241supp 1505
1739 1799 1881 1908 23442 2412 2464;
editions of B HFmarg M N13 NEB UBS T V VS WH
Colossians 2:13 -- kai umas nekrous ontas en tois paraptwmasin
kai th akrobustia ths sarkos umwn sunezwopoihsen umas sun autw
carisamenos hmin panta ta paraptwmata
kai umas: cited in T
- kai hmas -- (1 kai hmwn) 102 322 323 2344c
- txt -- P46
A B C D F G 1739 pm
nekrous ontas: cited in AP; Mlat Nlat
- ontas nekrous -- 0150 0278 (ful) (mon)
- txt -- P46 D F G am cav hub theo tol val pm
en: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T VS
- omit -- *
B L Y 075 0150 0278
33 69 81 256 365 436 442 462 1175 1241supp 1316 1881 1906* 1908 1960 2127 2464 b;
editions of HFmarg M N13 NEB So T V WH
- txt -- P46
A C D F G K P 048 049 056 0142 0151 223 326 330 630 876 1505 1739 2344* a d f;
editions of B HFtxt (UBS in []) VS
kai th akrobustia: cited in AP N13 N27 T
- kai en th akrobustia -- D* F G d
- txt -- P46 D2 f vg rell
sunezwopoihsen: cited in AP T; Mlat
- ezwopoihsen -- D* F G a Ambrosiaster
- txt -- (P46 sunezw[.]poihsen) f vg rell
(Stephanus al sunezwpoihsen)
umas2: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 T U3 U4 V VS
- hmas -- P46 B 056 0142 33 69 323 1022 1799 2401 2423
- omit -- 2
D F G P Y 0208 075 0278 104 256 263 365 630 1175 1241supp
1319 1505 1912 1962 2127 2464vid
a b d f vg arm; editions of HFmarg WHmarg
- txt -- *
A C K L 049 0150 0151 6 81 223 326 876 1739 1881 1960 2412;
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WHtxt
sun autw: cited in AP M T
- en autw -- P46 075 69 81 104 330 436 442 460 1908
- autw -- 0278 1912
- txt --
A C B D F G K L P Y 049 056 0150 0142 0151 0208 1739 rell
hmin: cited in AP M N13 N27 T U4 V
- umin -- 2
K* L P 6 323 326 330 2423 f vg eth al; editions of (Elzevir)
- txt -- (P46 al hmein) a b d m pm;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
panta ta paraptwmata: cited in AP M T
- ta paraptwmata panta -- P46-vid
- panta ta paraptwmata hmwn -- D* 0208 d bo (330 eth umwn)
- txt --
A B rell
Colossians 2:14 -- exaleiyas to kaq hmwn ceirografon tois
dogmasin o hn upenantion hmin kai auto hrken ek tou mesou proshlwsas auto tw staurw
kaq: cited in AP T
- kat -- D*
- txt -- P46 rell
tois dogmasin: cited in (N13) (N27) T
- sun tois dogmasin -- 33
- twn amartiwn -- Hipparchus?
- omit -- 1881 (conjecture Schmiedel)
- txt -- P46 rell
hmin: cited in AP T
- umin -- P 69* 104
- hmwn -- *
- txt -- (P46 h...) rell
hrken: cited in AP M T VS
- hren -- D* F G 2 206 223 383 429 876 1518 1799 2005;
editions of HFmarg
- hrktai -- P
- txt -- (P46 al hrke)
A B C D2
K L Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278 33 81 330 436 462 1175 1739
(23442 kai hrken);
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
tou mesou: cited in AP T
- tou merous -- 0142
- mesou -- A
- txt -- P46
B C D F G 046 1739rell
auto tw staurw: cited in AP
- autw tw staurw -- 0150 330* 462 876 23442 2401
- txt -- (P46 auto t[.] staurw) pm
Colossians 2:15 -- apekdusamenos tas arcas kai tas exousias
kai edeigmatisen en parrhsia, qriambeusas autous en autw
tas arcas kai: cited in AP M T (V)
- thn sarka -- F G Hilary Novatian
- thn sarka tas arcas kai -- a g wirc goth?
- txt -- P46 D rell
exousias: cited in AP B N13 N27 T
- exousias kai -- P46 B
- txt --
A C D F G 33 1739 rell
qriambeusas: cited in AP T
- qrianbeusas -- D*
- txt -- P46 D2 rell
en autw: cited in AP T
- en eautw -- G
- txt -- P46 D F rell
Colossians 2:16 -- mh oun tis umas krinetw en brwsei h en
posei h en merei eorths h noumhnias h sabbatwn
oun tis: cited in AP T
- tis oun -- 056 0142 0278 69 436 462 23442
- oun ti -- C
- txt -- P46
A B D F G K L049 33 1739 pm
h en posei: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T V VS
- kai en posei -- P46 B 1739 1881 b bo;
editions of B N13 UBS VS WHtxt
- txt --
A C D F G I K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
33 81 104 365 (876 1799 h posei) 1175 1241supp 1505 2464 hark arm goth;
editions of HF M NEB So T V WHmarg
noumhnias: cited in AP (B) M T VS
- neomhnias -- B (F G neomhnia) 81 330 2005 23442 pc;
editions of B N13 NEB UBS WH
- txt --
A C D(* noumhnia) I K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
33 436 462 1739;
editions of HF M So T V VS
sabbatwn: cited in AP M T VS
- sabbatw -- F G 69 462 23442
- sabbatou -- D*
- txt -- P46 rell
Colossians 2:17 -- a estin skia twn mellontwn to de swma tou
a estin: cited in AP B M N13 N27 T V VS
- o estin -- B F G 614? b d goth Ambrosiaster Marcion? Speculum;
editions of WHmarg
- w estin -- 2412
- txt -- P46
C D I K L P Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278
33 81 104 630 1175 1241supp 1505 1739 1881 2464 f vg;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WHtxt
tw de swma... [18] ...twn aggelwn:
cited in AP M
- omit -- I
- txt -- P46
A B C D F G 33 1739 pm
tou cristou: cited in AP HF T VS
- cristou -- P46
D F G K L 049 056 075 0142 0151 0278 223 330 436 462 876 1022 1739 1799 1960 23442 2412;
editions of HFtxt
- txt -- *
A B C P Y 0150 33 69 2344*;
editions of B HFmarg M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
to de swma tou cristou: cited in T
- (see Tischendorf for the reading of Chrysostom and the interpretation
it involves)
- txt -- P46 rell?
Colossians 2:18 -- mhdeis umas katabrabeuetw qelwn
en tapeinofrosunh kai qrhskeia twn aggelwn a ewraken embateuwn eikh
fusioumenos upo tou noos ths sarkos autou
umas: cited in AP
- omit -- 075
- txt -- P46 rell
katabrabeuetw: cited in T
- katabrabeutw -- F G
- txt -- pm
A B C D 1739 (ad lat cf. Tischendorf)
qelwn: cited in T
- qallwn (qellwn?) -- 69
- txt -- pm
A B C D F G 1739 (WH mark primitive error)
en: cited in AP N13 N27 So T
- en th -- 330
- omit -- *
- txt -- P46
1 rell
qrhskeia: cited in T
- qrhskia -- C D F G P 2401*; editions of T
- txt --
A B K L 223 876 1739 2412
pm; editions of B HF M N13 NEB So UBS V VS WH
aggelwn: cited in AP M T
- mellontwn aggelwn --
- txt -- P46-vid
a: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS;
- a mh -- 2
C D1 (F G a ouk) (K a mhte) L P Y
049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
(81 mh) 104 256 326 330 365 436 451 629 630 1175 1241supp
1319 1505 1881
1962 2127 2464 2492 2495 a f m am cav dem ful hub theo tol val pesh hark goth arm slav;
editions of Somarg HF
- txt -- P46
A B D* I 6 33 424c 1739
b d sa bo eth; editions of B M N13 NEB Sotxt T UBS V VS WH
ewraken: cited in AP T
- eoraken --
B* C D I K P 0150 0151 0278 1022*; editions of B N13 NEB T UBS V WH
- txt -- P46 A B2 F G L Y 049
056 075 0142 223 330 436 462 876 1739 2412 pm; editions of HF M So VS
embateuwn: cited in AP T
- enbateuwn -- D* F G 0278 (69 enmbateuwn)
- txt -- (P46 embad.u..)
A B C 1739 rell
embateuwn eikh: cited in So
- eikh embateuwn kai -- Origen
- txt -- (P46 embad.u..)
(330 embateuwn eikei) pm
fusioumenos: cited in AP T
- fusioumenoi -- D*
- txt -- (P46 ....oumenos) rell
upo: cited in AP
autou: cited in AP T
- autwn -- *
- txt -- 1
A B C D F G 1739 (330 omits ths sarkos) rell
Colossians 2:19 -- kai ou kratwn thn kefalhn ex ou pan
to swma dia twn afwn kai sundesmwn epicorhgoumenon kai sumbibazomenon
auxei thn auxhsin tou qeou
ou: cited in AP
kefalhn: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V
- kefalhn criston -- D* 1505 2005 (b) d hark arm Novatian
- txt -- P46 rell
swma: cited in AP
- swma swma (!) -- C*
- txt --
A B pm
afwn: cited in AP
- afiwn -- F
- txt -- P46 D G rell
sumbibazomenon: cited in AP T
- sunbibazomenon -- A B* C D F G; editions of WH
- bibazomenon -- 0278
- txt --
B2 K L P Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151
223 330 436 462 876 1739 2344 2412; editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS
auxei thn auxhsin tou qeou: cited in Mlat
- crescit in sanctum in Domino, i.e. auxei eis naon
agion en kuriw (Eph. 2:21) -- cav tol (hub theo)
- auxeisin tou qeou -- 436*
- txt --
A B D F G am ful pm
auxhsin: cited in AP T
- auxh -- *
056 0142 69
- txt -- 1
A B pm
Colossians 2:20 -- ei apeqanete sun cristw apo twn stoiceiwn
tou kosmou ti ws zwntes en kosmw dogmatizesqe
apeqanete: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T VS;
(Mlat) Nlat vgst (vgww)
- oun apeqanete -- 2
056 0142 0278c 6 206 256 326 365 429 (462 apeqanetai)
614 629 630 1319 1505 2127 2344
a m dem Ambrosiaster Speculum; editions of HFmarg
(* apoqanete oun;
HFmarg apeqanete oun)
- txt -- 1
A B D F G K L P Y 049 0150 0151 0278* 33 81 104 330 436 1175 1241supp
1739 1881 2464 b d f am cav ful leg sangall sanger tol val bo goth arm eth;
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So UBS T V VS WH
sun cristw: cited in HF T
- sun tw cristw -- 223; editions of HFmarg
- txt --
A B C D F G K L P Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278 876 1739 2412 pm;
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T USB V VS WH
ti ws: cited in AP M T
- dia ti palin ws -- D (F G ti palin ws) arm
- txt --
A B C 33 1739rell
en kosmw: cited in AP T;
Mlat Nlat
- en tw kosmw -- F G (a d ful mon Ambrosiaster? in hoc mundo)
- txt --
A B D (am cav hub theo tol val in mundo) rell
Colossians 2:21 -- mh ayh mhde geush mhde qighs
mhde geush mhde qighs: cited in AP HF T (V) (VS)
- mhde qighs -- K 0151
- mhde geush mhde qighs -- 51 223 234 429 431 442 460 1799 2412;
editions of HFmarg
- txt --
A B C D F G L P Y 049 056 0142 0150 0278
33 104 (330 ...qhgeis...) (462 ...qhghs...) 876 1022 1739
2344(2 ...qhghs...);
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T USB V VS WH
Colossians 2:22 -- a estin panta eis fqoran th apocrhsei kata
ta entalmata kai didaskalias twn anqrwpwn
eis fqoran th apocrhsei: cited in (M) T
- (ad Latin cf. Tischendorf)
- txt --
A B rell
th apocrhsei: cited in AP
- ths apocrhsews -- 0150
- txt --
A B pm
Colossians 2:23 -- atina estin lohon men econta sifias en
eqeloqrhskia kai tapeinofrosunh kai afeidia swmatos ouk en timh tini pros
plhsmonhn ths sarkos
eqeloqrhsk(e)ia: cited in AP
- qrhskia -- D1-vid F G
- qeloenqrhskeia -- P46
- qeloqrhskeia -- 1960
- txt --
(A illegible) B C D*,2 rell
(eqeloqrhsk)ia: cited in T
- (eqeloqrhsk)eia -- (P46) B D2
K L; editions of HF So
- txt --
C D* F G P; editions of B M N13 NEB T UBS V VS WH
kai1: cited in So T
- omit -- Clement
- txt -- P46 rell
tapeinofrosunh: cited in AP M N27 T U3 U4 V;
- tapeinofrosunh tou noos -- F G a b d f m
(vgapud T!) (vgmss apud U4)
bo Hilary Ambrosiaster Augustine Speculum
- txt -- P46 D
(vgapud M N27 U3 Mlat vgst etc.)
kai2: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V
- omit -- P46 B 1739 b m pal bo? Hilary Ambrosiaster Speculum
- txt --
A C D F G H K L P Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278
6 33 81 104 256 330 365 436 451 629 630
1175 1241supp 1319 1881 1963 2127 2464vid 2492
pesh hark sa arm geo slav;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS (UBS WH in []; WH mark primitive error)
afeidia: cited in T
- afeideia -- Bc P 2423; editions of (Lachmann)
- txt -- (P46 afideia)
(A illegible) B* C D E F G L 223 876 1799 1960 2412;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH (WH mark a
primitive error)
tini: cited in So
- add et non = kai ou? -- gigas
- txt -- P46 rell (WH mark a
primitive error)
plhsmonhn: cited in So; Mlat
- add et diligentiam -- (a) Ambrose Ambrosiaster Pelagius
- txt -- P46 rell (WH mark a
primitive error)
Colossians 3:1 -- ei oun sunhgerqhte to cristw ta anw
zhteite ou o cristos estin en dexia tou qeou kaqhmenos
tw cristw: cited in AP T
- en cristw -- *
- txt -- P46
1 rell
ta anw ... kaqhmenos: cited in AP M
- omit -- P46
- txt --
A B pm
ou: cited in AP T
o cristos estin: cited in AP (M);
(Mlat Nlat vgst vgww)
- estin o cristos -- H 0278 69 462 23442
- o cristos --
o qeos but corrected by the original scribe) 241 314 876
- txt -- 1
A B rell (am cav karl leg ubi christus, a bam ful gran hub sangall val
cum christo)
Colossians 3:2 -- ta anw froneite mh ta epi ths ghs
ta anw: cited in AP T
- a anw -- F G vg?
- txt -- P46 D rell
mh ta: cited in AP
- mega (!) -- F
- txt -- P46 D G pm
ths ghs: cited in AP T
- ghs -- 049 2 429 876 1799 1908 2412 pc
- txt -- P46 pm
Colossians 3:3 -- apeqanete gar kai h zwh umwn kekruptai
sun tw cristw en tw qew
sun tw cristw: cited in AP T
- sun cristw -- D K*?
- txt -- P46
F G Kc L 049 (056 0142 en tw cristw) 0151 rell
en tw qew: cited in AP HF M T VS
- en qew -- K L 049 5 326 330 623 1022 2344c;
editions of HFmarg
- txt -- P46
C D F G (056 0142 sun tw qew) 075 0150 0151 0278
33 81 104 436 462 1739 2344;
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
Colossians 3:4 -- otan o cristos fanerwqh h zwh hmwn
tote kai umeis sun autw fanerwqhsesqe en doxh
otan: cited in AP
- adelfoi otan -- Hc 1799 (ex. lect?)
- otan oun -- 330
- txt -- P46 H* pm
fanerwqh: cited in AP T
- fanerwqh kai -- F G
- txt -- P46 D f rell
h zwh hmwn: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 VS
- h zwh umwn -- P46
(A illegible) C D* F G P Y 075 33 81 88 104 256
(263 en sarki umwn) 442 462 945 1319
1881 1908 1912 a b d f m vg pal bo goth arm eth;
editions of B Somarg T UBS WHmarg
- txt --
B(* mwn (sic.)) D1
H K L 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278
6 330 451 1175 1241supp 1505 1739 1962 2464 2492 pesh hark sa geo slav;
editions of HF M N13 NEB Sotxt V VS WHtxt
sun autw: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V
- omit -- A 218 1881 2401 2464 Gregory-Nyssa
- txt -- P46
(Y fanerwqhsesqe en doxh sun autw) 33 1739
Colossians 3:5 -- nekrwsate oun ta melh ta epi ths ghs
porneian akaqarsian paqos epiqumian kakhn kai thn pleonexian htis estin
oun: cited in Nlat vgst
- omit -- am
- txt -- P46 D F G bam cav ful gran karl leg sangall sanger
val pm
melh: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS
- melh umwn -- c
A C3 D F G H K L P 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
d f vg bo arm goth eth;
editions of HF
- txt -- P46
B C* Y 33 81 424c 945* 1912 1175 1241supp 1739 2464
editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
porneian: cited in T
- pornian --
A D* F G H P al
- txt -- B C Dc K L
akaqarsian: cited in AP T
- kai akaqarsian -- D*
- txt -- P46 D2 F G rell
paqos epiqumian kakhn kai thn pleonexian: cited in AP
(M) (N13) (N27) T (V)
- omit kakhn -- P46
- paqos aselgeian epiqumian kakhn kai thn pleonexian -- 330
- pleonexian paqos epiqumian -- F G (for fathers cf. Tischendorf)
- txt --
A B D f rell
eidwlolatria: cited in (AP) T
- idwlatria -- F G
- txt -- P46
( A B*
Dc K L P 330 436 1022 2344 2412 al
B HF So T V VS eidwlolatreia)
(C idwlolatria) D* H 223 462 876 1739 1799 1960 pm;
editions of M N13 NEB UBS WH
Colossians 3:6 -- di a ercetai h orgh tou qeou epi tous
uious ths apeiqeias
di a: cited in AP M N13 N27 T
- di o -- (C* dia oapud AP,
di oapud T)
D* F G d; editions of (Alford)
- dia tauta gar -- P46
- txt --
A B Cc D2 f vg rell;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS WH
h orgh: cited in AP T
- orgh -- C* F G
- txt -- P46
Cc D rell (Lachmann [h] orgh)
epi tous uious ths apeiq(e)ias:
cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U4 V VS
- omit -- P46 B b d pal sa ethmss Ambrosiaster Cyprian;
editions of N13 NEB Somarg T WH
- txt --
A C D(*? -- words seem to have been added as an afterthought) F G H I K L P
Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
6 33 81 104 256 326 436 451 629 630 1175 (1241supp) 1319 1505
1739 1881 1962 2127 2464 2492
a f m vg pesh hark bo arm geo slav;
editions of B HF M Sotxt (UBS in []) V VS
apeiqeias: cited in T
- apeiqias -- C D F G
- omit (cf. supra) -- P46 B N13 NEB T WH
- txt --
A H K L P 223 330 436 (462 aphqeias) 876 1022 1739 1799
2344 2412; editions of B HF M So UBS V VS
Colossians 3:7 -- en ois kai umeis peripathsate pote
ote ezhte en toutois
umeis: cited in AP
- hmeis -- 075
- txt -- P46 pm
pote ote: cited in AP T
- ote -- P 056 0142 314 1799
- txt -- P46-vid rell
toutois: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T VS
- autois -- D2 (F autous) G K L 048 049
056 0142 0150 0151
223 436 462 630 876 1739 1881 2412; editions of HF
- txt -- P46
A B C D* H I P Y 075 0278 33 81 330 365 442
1175 (1241supp toutw) 1505 1908 1912 2464;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
Colossians 3:8 -- nuni de apoqesqe kai umeis ta panta
orghn qumon kakian blasfhmian aiscologian
ek tou stomatos umwn
kai umeis: cited in AP M T V
- umeis -- 1799
- omit -- *
- txt -- P46
1 pm
ta panta: cited in AP T
- kata panta -- F G f
- panta -- H (110 apanta) 330 442
- txt -- P46 D d rell
umwn: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V;
Mlat Nlat
- umwn mh ekporeuesqw (or similar) -- F G a b f g bam
(fulc apud Mlat, Nlat) mon ulm
sa bo goth eth Ambrosiaster
- txt -- P46 D d am cav dem (fulapud T?)
hub theo tol rell
Colossians 3:9 -- mh yeudesqe eis allhlous apekdusamenoi ton
palaion anqrwpon sun tais praxesin autou
apekdusamenoi: cited in AP T
- apodusamenoi -- P
- txt -- P46-vid rell
autou: cited in M T
- autou kai tais epiqumiais -- hark**
- txt -- P46-vid (Origen) pm
ton palaion anqrwpon sun tais praxesin autou
10 kai endusamenoi: cited in AP
- omit -- 0142
- txt -- P46 056 pm
Colossians 3:10 -- kai endusamenoi ton neon ton anakainoumenon
eis epignwsin kat eikona tou ktisantos auton
endusamenoi: cited in AP T
- epidusamenoi -- *
- endusameqa -- 23442
- txt -- 2
A B rell
neon: cited in AP
- neon anqrwpon -- 0278
- neon ton neon -- 1960
- txt -- P46 pm
epignwsin: cited in Mlat
- epignwsin qeou -- ac d Augustine Speculum
- txt -- P46 D F G vg pm
eikona: cited in AP T
- eikona autou -- F G d f vg Ambrosiaster
- txt -- (P46-vid -- lacuna after eikona but no space
for the word) D rell
Colossians 3:11 -- opou ouk eni ellhn kai ioudaios
peritome kai akrobustia barbaros skuqhs doulos eleuqeros alla ta panta
kai en pasin cristos
eni: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V;
Mlat Nlat (vgww)
- eni arsen kai qelu -- D* F G 629 (d f dem vgsixt
Augustine masculus et feminina)
Hilary (a Ambrose Pelagius masculus et feminina iudeaeus et graecus)
- txt -- P46-vid D2 am ful tol
barbaros: cited in AP T
- barbaros kai -- D* F G d f vg goth Ambrosiaster
- omit -- 2401
- txt --
A B pm
ellhn kai ioudaios: cited in T
- ioudaios kai ellhn -- 33 arm
- txt -- (P46-vid ellhn kai ........)
doulos: cited in AP N13 N27 T
- doulos kai -- A D* F G 181 442 629 d f vg pesh bo eth goth Hilary;
editions of (Lachmann doulos [kai])
- txt --
B D2 K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
33 1739 sa arm rell; editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T
ta panta: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 T VS
- panta -- *
A C 33 81 209* 436 1241supp 1799 23442 Clement;
editions of N13 NEB (T in text) WH
- panta vel ta panta sed omit kai -- am (cited
in vgst, "sed omnia er (!) in omnibus Christus" (sic.))
- txt -- 2
B D F G K L (P ta pan) Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278
104 223 365 630 876 1175 1505 1739 1881 2127 2344* 2464;
editions of B HF M So (T in margin) (UBS V VS [ta] panta)
Colossians 3:12 -- endusasasqe oun ws eklektoi tou qeou agioi kai
hgaphmenoi splagcna oiktirmou crhstothta tapeinofrosunhn prauthta makroqumian
oun: cited in AP T
- omit -- L
- txt --
A B (leg ergo uos, am bam cav ful gran sanger sangall val vos ergo)
ws: cited in AP T
- wsei -- D* F G
- txt --
A B rell
tou qeou: cited in AP N13 N27 T
- qeou -- A D* F G 876 1505 1881; editions of (Lachmann)
- txt --
B D2 K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
33 81 104 223 630 1175 1241supp 1739 1799 2464;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
agioi kai: cited in AP B M N13 N27 So T V VS
- agioi -- B 6 33 1319 1739 sa; editions of WHmarg
- txt --
A D F G (122 kai agioi) rell;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WHtxt
splagcna: cited in T
- splancna -- D* F G
- txt --
A B F G K L P pm
oiktirmou: cited in AP HF M T VS
- oiktirmwn -- K 075 5 38 223 326 1022 1518 1611 2344* 2412 al;
editions of HFmarg
- kai oiktirmon -- D* arm (D1 goth omit kai)
- kai oiktirmwn -- 330
- txt --
A B F G L P Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278 33 436 462 876 1739 1799 1960
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
prauthta: cited in AP (B) HF T VS
- praothta -- D F G K L Y 049 056 075
0142 0150 223 330 462 876 1022 1739 1799 1960 2344; editions of HF So
- txt --
A B C P 048 0150 0278 33 436; editions of B M N13 NEB T UBS V VS WH
Colossians 3:13 -- anecomenoi allhlwn kai carizomenoi eautois
ean tis pros tina ech momfhn kaqws kai o kurios exarisato umin outws kai umeis
allhlwn: cited in AP
- allhlwn allhlwn -- C*
- txt --
A B pm
kai carizomenoi: cited in T
- carizomenoi -- 33 arm
- txt -- P46 pm
eautois: cited in AP
- eautous -- F 0151
- autois -- 075
- txt --
A B D G K pm
ech: cited in AP T
- ecei -- F G L P 0150 0278 33 462 2401* 2344c 2412 al
- txt --
A B D K 049 056 0142 0151 pm
momfhn: cited in AP N13 N27 T (V)
- memyin -- D*
- memfhn -- D2
- morfen -- 049*
- orghn -- F G
- txt -- P46
A B f rell
o kurios: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS
- o cristos --
C D1 K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
6 81 88 104 256 326 330 365 436 451 629 630 1241supp
1319 1505 1739 1881 1962 2127 2492 2464
a m pesh hark sa bo goth eth;
editions of HF Somarg T V VS WHmarg
- o qeos -- *
(33 arm o qeos en cristw)
- txt -- P46 A B D* (F omit o) G
1175 b d f vg geo1;
editions of B M N13 NEB Sotxt UBS WHtxt
umin: cited in AP HF T VS
- hmin --
(c apud T)
C2vid D* K (P hmas) 0151 (33) 181 223 1799 2412 al;
editions of HFmarg
- txt -- *
A B C* D2 F G L 049 056 075 0142 0150 876 1739 1960 pm;
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
umeis: cited in AP M T
- umeis poieite -- D* F G d (pesh) sa goth eth
- txt -- P46 f pm
Colossians 3:14 -- epi pasin de toutois thn agaphn o estin
sundesmos ths teleiothtos
o estin: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 T V VS
- os estin -- *
D* 81
- htis estin -- 2
D1 K L Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
104 223 330 436 462 630 876 1175 1505 2344 2464
b g; editions of HF VS
- txt -- A B C F G P 048 33 256 263
365 1241supp 1319* 1739 1881
2127; editions of B M NEB N13 So T V UBS WH
teleiothtos: cited in AP M N13 N27 T
- enothtos -- D* F G d Ambrosiaster
- txt -- P46 rell
Colossians 3:15 -- kai h eirhnhn tou cristou brabeuetw en tais
kardiais umwn, eis hn kai eklhqhte en eni swmati kai eucaristoi ginesqe
h eirhnh: cited in AP T
- eirhnh -- F G 90 1908* 2344c
- txt -- P46 D rell
cristou: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS; vgst
- qeou -- 2
C2 D2 K L Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151
33 104 223 330 436 462 630 876 1799 1881 2344 2412
sanger goth Ambrosiaster; editions of HF
- txt -- *
A B C* D* F G P 69 81 365 629 1175 1241supp 1505 1739 1908 2464
a b d f am bam cav ful gran karl leg sangall val pesh hark sa bo arm eth;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
eni swmati: cited in AP B M N13 N27 T
- swmati -- P46 B 6 424c 1739 sa
- txt --
(Y swmati eni) rell; editions of B M HF N13 NEB So T UBS V VS
(WH [eni] swmati)
ginesqe: cited in AP T
- genesqai (i.e. genesqe?) -- D*
- txt -- (P46 geinesqe) D2 F G
(462 ginesqai) rell
Colossians 3:16 -- o logos tou cristou enoikeitw en umin
plousiws en pash sofia didaskontes kai nouqetountes eautous yalmois
umnois wdais pneumatikais en cariti adontes en tais kardiais umwn tw qew
cristou: cited in AP B M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 (V) VS
- kuriou -- *
I 1175 2127 bo Clement; editions of Somarg WHmarg
- qeou -- A C* 0150 33 104 263 323 330 436 451 945 1241supp
1962 1984 1985 eth Augustine
al; editions of Somarg
- txt -- P46
B C2 D F G K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0151
6 81 181 256 326 365 462 629 630 1319 1505 1739 1881 2344 2464 2492
a d f m am dem ful (pesh) hark sa boms arm geo goth slav
Ambrosiaster pm; editions of
B HF M N13 NEB Sotxt T UBS V VS WHtxt
enoikeitw: cited in AP
- oikeitw -- P46
- txt --
A B D F G 1739 pm
sofia: cited in T
- add et prudentia spirituali goth (cf. T)
- txt -- P46 pm
eautous: cited in T
- autous -- 33
- txt -- (P46 e..tous)
A B pm
yalmois: cited in AP HF (M) (N13) N27 (So) T (VS)
- yalmois kai -- C2 D1 K L P Y
049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 33 81 104 223 365 630 876 1881 2464 1799 2412
dem sa bo arm eth; editions of HF
- txt -- P46
A B C* D* F G
442 1175 1241supp 1505 1739
d f am ful tol goth;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
umnois: cited in AP HF (M) (N13) N27 (So) T (VS);
Mlat Nlat vgst vgww
- umnois kai -- Avid C3 D1
I K L Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 81 104 223 365 630 876 1799 2412 2464
a fulmarg sa bo arm et; editions of HF
- txt -- P46
B C* D* F G 33 1175 1241supp 1505 1739 1881
d f am bam cav dem ful* gran hub leg sangall sanger theo tol val goth;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
pneumatikais: cited in AP So
- pneumatikois -- P46 F
- txt --
A B D G 1739 pm
en cariti: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T VS
- en th cariti -- P46
B D* F G Y 6 424c 1319 1505 1611 1739 2138;
editions of B N13 NEB T
(UBS en [th] cariti) WHmarg
- omit -- C3 049 326 462 1022* 2344c
- txt -- *
A (C* en cari) D2 K L 056 075 0142 0150 0151
33 81 104 223 330 365 (429 1799 2412 en eucaristia) 436 630 876
1175 1241supp 1799 1881 2344* 2412 2464;
editions of HF M So V VS WHtxt
tais kardiais: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 So T VS
- th kardia -- D2 I K L 049 056 0142 0150 0151
223 462 630 876 1799 2344* 2412;
editions of HF
- txt -- P46
A B C* D* F G Y 075
6 33 81 104 326 330 436 1175 1241supp 1505 1739 1881 2344c 2464
a b d f vg pesh hark sa bo arm goth; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
qew: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS
- kuriw -- (P46-vid apud ed. pr.)
C2 D2 K L Y*
049 056 0142 0150 0151 104 181 223 326 330
(436 adontes tw qew en tais kardiais umwn tw kuriw !) 451 629 630 876
1241supp 1799 2412
2492 2495 a colb dem (gig) geo2 goth slav;
editions of HF NEBmarg
- txt -- (P46-vid apud AP)
A B C* D* F G Yc 075
6 33 81 365 424c 442 (256 263 1175 1319 1962 2127 adontes tw qew en tais
kardiais umwn)
1505 1739 1881 1908 2464 b d f m am ful tol pesh hark sa arm geo1;
editions of B M N13 NEBtxt So T UBS V VS WH
Colossians 3:17 -- kai pan o ti ean poihte en logw h en
ergw panta en onomati kuriou ihsou eucaristountes tw qew patri di autou
kai: cited in AP M T
- omit -- D* F G 2 429 d f vg goth Ambrosiaster
- txt -- P46 (1799 kai adelfoi) rell
ean: cited in AP [B] HF T
- an --
A C D Ivid K Y 056 075 0142 0150 0151
223 330 436 462 876 1739 1799 1960 2412;
editions of B HF So T VS
- txt -- P46 B F G L 049 1022;
editions of M N13 NEB UBS V WH
poihte: cited in AP T
- poieite -- Kc L 0142 0150 0151 330 2344c
- txt -- P46
D F G K* 049 056 075 223 436 462 876 1022 1739 1799 1960 2412pm
kuriou ihsou: cited in AP M N13 N27 T (VS);
Mlat Nlat vgst (vgww)
- ihsou cristou -- A C D* F G; editions of (Lachmann)
- kuriou ihsou cristou -- *
429 442 tou kuriou ihsou cristou) 365 1175
(a dem oxon samss? bo? eth? kuriou hmwn ihsou cristou) (b)
(bamapud vgst)
ful gran harl hub mon sangall theo val (pesh)
- kuriou -- L Jerome
- txt -- P46 B D2 K
(Y 104 330 1241supp 1799 tou kuriou Ihsou) 049 056
075 0142 0150 0151 33 69 81 630 1505 1739 1881 2464
f m am (bamapud Mlat)
cav karl leg tol ulm arm goth hark samss Clement
Ambrosiaster; editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
qew: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T U3 U4 V VS
- qew kai -- D F G K L Y 049 056 075
0142 0150 0151 6 33 104 256 (326 patri kai qew) 330 436 451 629 630
1175 1241supp 1319 1505 1881 1962 2127 2464 2492
d f am colb dem ful harl tol hark arm geo slav; editions of HF
- txt -- P46-vid
A B C 81 442 1739 1985 a b m pesh sa bo goth eth;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
di autou: cited in AP
- di autou upotassomenoi allhlois en fobw cristou -- 075
- txt -- P46 (1175 1881 omit di) pm
Colossians 3:18 -- ai gunaikes upotassesqe tois andrasin ws
anhken en kuriw
ai gunaikes: cited in AP T
- gunaikes -- F G arm?
- txt -- P46 D rell
andrasin: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS; Mlat
- andrasin umwn -- D* F G 075 1827 a d f ulm wirc pesh hark** bo arm eth goth
- idiois andrasin -- L 056 0142 6 223 330 365 436 462 614 630 876
1175 1881 1799 1960 2344 2412 2464 pm;
editions of HFtxt
- txt -- P46
C D2 K 049 0150 0151 33 81 104 1022 1241supp 1739
2401 2423 am cav ful hub theo tol val pm;
editions of B HFmarg N13 NEB M So T UBS V VS WH
en kuriw: cited in AP T
- en tw kuriw -- F G
- txt -- P46 D rell
Colossians 3:19 -- oi andres agapate tas gunaikas kai mh
pikrainesqe pros autas
oi andres: cited in AP T
- w andres -- G
- o andres -- F
- txt -- P46 D rell
gunaikas: cited in AP M (N13) N27 T (V);
Mlat vgst
- gunaikas umwn -- C2 D* F G 330 a b d f mc
am (bamapud Mlat) theo tol ulm
(valapud Mlat) pesh hark** Ambrosiaster;
editions of (Lachmann)
- eautwn gunaikas --
075 88 (1175 gunaikas eautwn)
- txt -- P46-vid
A B C D2 K L P Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151
(bamapud vgst)
cav colb ful gran hub harl** leg oxon (valapud vgst)
wirc 33 81 104 365 436 462 630
1241supp 1505 1739 1881 2344 2464 rell;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS WH
pikrainesqe: cited in AP M T
- parapikrainesqe -- C2 K 056 0150 4c
88 101 122 181 623 794 1149 2401
- txt -- P46
A B C*
D F G L P Y 049 075 0142 0151 33 223 330 436
(462 pikrainesqai) 876 1739 1799 1960
(2344c phkrainesqe) 2412 rell
autas: cited in AP
- autais -- P46
- txt --
A B pm
Colossians 3:20 -- ta tekna upakouete tois goneusin kata panta
touto gar euareston estin en kuriw
tois goneusin kata panta: cited in Mlat
- (tois) goneusin umwn (parentibus vestris) -- a
- txt -- P46 d f vg pm
euareston estin: cited in AP HF T VS
- estin euareston -- F G K L 049 056 0142 0150
0151 0198vid 223 330 436 876 1022 1799 1960 2344* 2412;
editions of HF
- euareston -- (Y* euarestou)
Yc 181 464*
- txt -- P46-vid
C D 048 075
33 69 (462 euarestwn estin) 1739 1908 1912 2344c d f vg;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS WH
en kuriw: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T VS
- tw kuriw -- 0198 81 206 323 326 330 629 630 876 945 1022
1241supp 1799 1960 2344* 2412 bo eth Clement al;
editions of HFmarg
- kuriw -- 1912?
- txt -- P46
C D F G K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
33 104 223 365 (436) (462) 1175 1505 1739 1881 2344c 2464
b d f am dem ful tol hark arm goth pm;
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS WH
Colossians 3:21 -- oi pateres mh ereqizete ta tekna umwn
ina mh aqumwsin
oi pateres (patres): cited in Mlat
- parentes -- a f harl oxon wirc
- txt -- P46 D F G d am cav ful hub theo tol val pm
ereqizete: cited in AP M N13 N27 So T U4 VS;
Mlat Nlat
- parorgizete -- (
apud AP M N27 T)
A C D* F G L 075 0198 0278
33 69 81 88 104 181 206 256 263 326 330 365 436 623
1175 1241supp 1319 1505 (1573) 1912
1962 2127 2138 d ful harl* mon oxon theo harkmarg arm geo Ambrosiaster al;
editions of (Lachmann)
- txt -- (P46 ereq.....)
apud U4)
B D1 K Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151
6 223 424 (462) 630 876 1739 1799 1881 2344(c) 2412
a b f m am cav hub tol ulm val wirc
harktxt eth slav Clement pm;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
Colossians 3:22 -- oi douloi upakouete kata panta tois kata
sarka kuriois mh en ofqalmodoulias ws anqrwpareskoi all en aplothti kardias
foboumenoi ton kurion
kata panta: cited in AP M N27 T
- omit -- P46 075 0278 3 38* 81 103 218 336 421 436 442 642
1241supp 1908 sa arm
- txt --
A B C D F G K L Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151 33 104 365 630 1175 1505
1739 1881 2464 vg pm
kata sarka kuriois: cited in AP T
- kuriois kata sarka -- F G d f vg
- txt -- P46 D (330 kata sar kuriois !) rell
mh en: cited in AP T
- mh ws en -- C*
- txt -- P46
A B rell
ofqalmodouliais: cited in AP B HF N13 N27 T VS
- ofqalmodoulia -- (P46-vid A B al ofqalmodouleia)
D (F G 330 436 ofqalmondouleia) 075
69 81 104 365 436 442 1241supp 1319 1908 1912 2127
sa bo al; editions of UBS WHmarg
- txt --
C (K L 223 462 876 1799 1960 2344 2412 al HF So VS ofqalmodouleiais)
Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278
33vid 630 1175 1505 1739 1881 2464 hark pm; editions of
B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS WHtxt
anqrwpareskoi: cited in AP (T)
- andropwpareskoi -- F
- txt -- P46 D G (69 anqrwpopareskoi) pm
all: cited in AP T
- alla -- B 048; editions of (Tregelles)
- txt -- P46 rell;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS WH
kurion: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS;
(Mlat Nlat vgst vgww)
- qeon -- P46
D2 K 049 056 0142 0150 0151
6 104 206 223 436 462 630 876 1022 (1739apud Lake) 1799 1960 2344 2412
d dem (tolapud T)
bo goth pm; editions of HF
- txt -- *
A B C D* F G L Y 048 075 0278
33 81 263 330 365 1175 1241supp 1505
(1739apud M, N27) 1881 2464 a b f m
f am bam cav ful gran harl karl leg sangall sanger
(tolapud Mlat?) val pesh hark sa bo arm al;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T V UBS VS WH
Colossians 3:23 -- o ean poihte ek yuchs ergazesqe ws tw kuriw
kai ouk anqrwpois
o: cited in AP HF (M) N13 N27 T V VS
- pan o -- 2
075 0278
- kai pan o -- 056 0142 103 104 326 424c 442 1908 pesh
- pan o ti -- Y 1505 2401
- kai pan o ti -- D1 K L 049 0150 0151 223 630
876 1022 1799 1960 2412; editions of HF
- txt -- P46
* A B C
D*,2 F G 33 81 365 1175 1241supp 1739 1881 2464
d f vg bo arm goth; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
ean: cited in AP T
- an -- P46 D F G Y 330 462 1739 2344c
- txt --
A B C K L 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278 33 223 436 876 1022 1799 1960 2412 pm
poihte: cited in AP T
- poieite -- L 075 2344c
- txt -- (P46 poih...) K 049 056
0142 0151 rell
kuriw: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V
- kuriw douleuontes -- A 075 88 330 440 491 823 Clement
- txt -- P46
B C D F G 33 rell
kai ouk: cited in AP M N27 T
- ouk -- P46 B 177? 1739 sa? Ambrosiaster
- txt --
A C D F G K L Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278 rell
anqrwpois: cited in M
- ws anqrwpois -- pesh arm
- txt -- P46 pm
Colossians 3:24 -- eidotes oti apo kuriou apolhmyesqe thn
antapodosin ths klhronomias tw kuriw cristw douleuete
kuriou: cited in M
- qeou -- 1611 2005 hark**
- txt -- P46 pm
apolhmyesqe: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 T VS
- lhmyesqe -- P46
A C2
(K L Y 056 075 0142 0150 0151 330 1739 1799 1960 2344 2412 pm lhyesqe)
0278 81 104 365 (462 lhyesqai) 630 1241supp 1881 2464;
editions of HFtxt VS
- txt -- *
B* (B2 D2 049 al apolhyesqe)
C*vid (D* apolhnyesqe) D1 F G
33 (223 apolhyesqai) 326 436 629 876 1022 1175;
editions of B HFmarg M N13 NEB So T UBS V WH
klhronomias: cited in AP T
- klhronomias umwn -- C2 075 0278
69 104 436 442 462 1906marg 1908 2344 arm
- txt -- P46-vid
A B C* pm
tw kuriw cristw: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 T (V) VS
- tou kuriou hmwn ihsou cristou -- F G (a d? m* bomss? Ambrosiaster
tou kuriou cristou) f
- tw gar kuriw cristw -- D1 K L 049 056 075
0142 0150 0151 (69 102 242 330 1799 2401 tw gar kuriw) 104 630
arm goth; editions of HF VS
- txt -- P46
A B C D* 0278
33 81 88 365 1175 1241supp 1739 1881 1908 1912 2464;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T V UBS WH
Colossians 3:25 -- o gar adikwn komisetai o hdikhsen kai ouk
estin proswpolemyia
o gar: cited in AP HF M T V VS
- o de -- D2 K L Y 049 056 075
0142 0150 0151 0278 6 223 326 436 462 876 1022 1799 1960 2344 2412 pesh;
editions of HF
- txt --
A B C D* F G 048 33 104 330 442 1739 1906 1912 d f vg bo goth;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
komisetai: cited in AP HF M T VS
- komieitai -- *
A C D* Ivid 056 075 0142 33 223 436 462 876 1022 1739 1799 1960 2412;
editions of HF So T
- komizetai -- F G
- txt -- 2
B Dc K L Y 049 0150 0151 0278
3 69 93 103 181 209* 322 323 326 (330 komishtai)
460 462 (2344 komisete); editions of B M N13 NEB UBS V VS WH
proswpolemyia: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V;
Mlat Nlat vgst vgww
- proswpolemyia para tw qew -- F G I 629
a f bam dem ful gran harl hub leg sangall theo tol ulm val bo? arm goth Ambrosiaster
- txt --
A B C D* 0278 (462 prwsopolhysia) d am cav karl sanger rell
(sed proswpoleyia B2 D2
K L Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
223 330 436 462 1739 pm HF)
Colossians 4:1 -- oi kurioi to dikaion kai thn isothta tois
doulois parecesqe eidoes oti kai umeis ecete kurion en ouranw
oi kurioi: cited in AP T
- w kurioi -- F G
- txt --
A B C D 33 1739 rell
thn isothta: cited in AP
- ths isothta -- 0278
- txt --
A B C D F G 1739 pm
parecesqe: cited in AP HF M T VS
- parecete -- C 42 51 88 102 177 206 216 223 234 257 337 429 431 635
1738 1799 al;
editions of HFmarg
- txt --
A B D F G K L Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
33 81 104 330 436 (462 parecesqai) 876 1022 1175 1739 1960 2344 2412 pm;
editions of B HFtxt M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS WH
ecete: cited in AP
- ece -- C*
- txt --
A B D F G 1739 pm
ouranw: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS;
Mlat Nlat
- ouranois -- 2
D F G K L Y 049 056 065 0142 0150 0151
6 (330 add kai proswpolhyia ouk estin en autw)
365 436 630 1175 1505 2344 2464
d f ful* mon hark bomss arm Ambrosiaster; editions of HF
- txt -- *
A B C I 0278 33 69 81 104 218 326 442 462 1241supp 1739 1881
am bam cav dem fulc harl hub theo tol val sa bomss;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
Colossians 4:2 -- th proseuch proskartereite grhgorountes
en auth en eucaristia
th proseuch: cited in AP T
- h proseuch -- F G
- txt --
A B C D (1799 adelfoi th proseuch) rell
proskartereite: cited in AP M N27 T
- proskarterountes -- I 33 69 1241supp 1881
harl* oxonc Origenlat
- txt --
A B C D F G 81 (462 proskarterhte)
1739 am cav ful hub tol theo val rell
en auth: cited in AP M T V;
Mlat Nlat vgst
- omit -- *
ful* mon tol
- txt -- 1
A B C D F G am cav hub theo val rell
en eucaristia: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V;
- omit -- D* d Ambrosiaster Cyprian?
- txt --
A B C D2 F G (462 2344 al en eucaristeia)
(cav kar sangall omit en) rell
Colossians 4:3 -- proseucomenoi ama kai peri hmwn ina o
qeos anoixh hmin quran tou logou lalhsai yo musterion tou cristou di o kai dedemai
ama: cited in AP
- ina -- *
- txt -- 2
A B pm
anoixh: cited in AP T
- anoixei -- C*vid apud AP L 0278 462
- txt -- P46
A B C2 D F G K Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 pm
tou logou: cited in AP T
- logou -- D* F G
- omit -- 1911*
- txt -- P46 D2 rell
lalhsai: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V
- en parrhsia lalhsai -- A
- txt -- P46
D F G 33 1739 rell
Cristou: cited in AP M N13 N27 T U4 V
- qeou -- B* L 4 57 431 614 1319 2344 samss eth;
editions of (Weiss)
- txt -- P46-vid
A Bc C D F G K Y 048 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
0278 6 33 81 104 256 263 330 365 436 1175 1241supp
1739 1881 1962 2127 a b d f m am dem ful harl tol
pesh hark samss bo arm geo slav rell;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
di o: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V
- di on -- B F G (1912 di ou); editions of (Lachmann)
- txt -- P46-vid?
A C D K L Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
(223 1739 2412 al dio')
d f vg goth
rell; editions of B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
dedemai: cited in M
- deomai -- 81 88 257 876 919
- txt -- P46
A B C D F G 33 (330 dedeme) 1739 pm
Colossians 4:4 -- ina fanerwsw auto ws dei me lalhsai
ina: cited in AP T
- ina kai -- D*,c
- txt --
A B C D1 F G 330 436 1739 d f pm
auto: cited in AP (cf. Mlat)
- autw -- D* 0151 1022 2344
- txt -- (P46 .uto)
A B C D1 F G K L 330 436 1739 pm
Colossians 4:5 -- en sofia peripateite pros tous exw ton
kairon exagorazomenoi
sofia: cited in T V
- pash sofia -- 69
- txt --
A B C D F G K L 330 436 462 1739 pm
exagorazomenoi: cited in M
- exagorazomenoi oti ai hmerai ponhrai eisin -- (330
agorazomenoi) 440?
- txt -- P46
A B C D F G K L 436 462 1739 (2344 agorazomenoi) pm
Colossians 4:6 -- o logos umwn pantote en cariti alati
hrtumenos eidenai pws dei umas eni ekastw apokrinesqai
umwn: cited in AP T
- hmwn -- D*
- umwn h -- 0278 330
- txt -- P46
A B C D2 F G K L Y 049 056 075 0142 0150
0151 33 223 436 462 1739 1799 2412 d f pm
pws dei umas: cited in AP T
- umas pws dei -- 049 3 209 436 2401
- txt -- P46
A B C D F G K L Y 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
223 330 462 1799 1960 2344 2412 pm
Colossians 4:7 -- ta kat eme panta gnwrisei umin tucikos o
agapetos adelfos kai pistos diakonos kai sundoulos en kuriw
ta: cited in AP M T
- ta de -- *
0150 pesh arm Ephraem
- txt -- P46
A B C D F G (330 th) 1739 rell
kat eme: cited in AP T
- kaq eme -- D*
- txt -- P46
A B C D2 F G 1739 rell
kai sundoulos: cited in AP T V
- omit -- *
- txt -- P46
A B C D F G (Y kai doulos) 1739 rell
kuriw: cited in AP
- cristw -- 056 0142
- txt -- P46
D F G K L Y 049 1739 pm
Colossians 4:8 -- on epemya pros umas eis auto touto ina
gnwte ta peri hmwn kai parakalesh tas kardias umwn
epemya: cited in AP T
- epenya -- D*
- txt -- P46
D2 F G 1739 rell
gnwte: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS;
Mlat (Nlat)
- gnw -- P46
C D1 K L Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151
6 104 326 436 451? 629 630 1505 1739 1881 2464 2495
f am cav dem ful(*) harl hub theo tol val pesh hark samss bo geo slav
goth Ambrosiaster; editions of HF VS
- txt -- *
A B D*,c F G P 048 075 0278
33 69 81 88 256 263 322 323 330vid 365 398 462
1175 1241supp 1319 1908 1912 1962 2127 2344
a b d m gran wir arm; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V WH
hmwn: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS;
- umwn -- P46
C D1 K L Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151
6 104 326 330 436 451 629 630 1241supp 1505 1739 1881 2464 2495
f am cav dem ful(*) harl hub theo tol val pesh hark samss bo geo slav
goth Ambrosiaster; editions of HF VS
- txt -- 2
A B D*,c F G P 048 075 0278
33 69 81 88 256 263 322 323 330 365 398 451 462
1175 1319 1908 1912 1962 2127 2344
a b d m arm; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V WH
parakalesh: cited in AP T
- parakalesai -- D* 0278
- parakalesei -- L P 075 0151 2401* 2344
- omit kai parakalesh tas kardias umwn -- 056 0142
- txt -- P46
D2 F G K Y 049 0150 223 1739 1799 1960 2412 pm
Colossians 4:9 -- sun onhsimw tw pistw kai agaphtw
adelfw os estin ex umwn panta umin gnwrisousin ta wde
pistw kai agaphtw: cited in AP T V
- agaphtw kai pistw -- D F G 056 0142 1925 d f goth
- pistw agaphtw -- 1022
- omit -- 69
- txt -- P46 pm
estin ex umwn: cited in AP (T);
Mlat Nlat vgst vgww
- ex estin umwn -- 056*vid 0142
- ex umwn estin -- vgcl
- estin ex hmwn -- 2
- txt -- P46
A B C D F G d f am bam cav ful harl leg reg sangall sanger tol val rell
panta: cited in AP T; (Nlat vgww)
- oi panta -- D* dem goth
- txt -- P46 D2 F G d f am ful harl tol pm
gnwrisousin: cited in AP [B] HF M T VS
- gnwriousin -- *
A C D2 apud T K L 048vid 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
33 223 330 436 462 876 1960 1739 1799 2344 2412;
editions of HF So T V VS
- gnwriswsin -- D* 0278
- gnwrizousi -- 69
- txt -- P46
B C D2 apud AP F G P Y
81 88 1611; editions of B M N13 NEB UBS WH
wde: cited in AP M N13 N27 T V
- wde prattomena -- F G a b d f m vg Ambrosiaster
- txt -- P46 D rell
Colossians 4:10 -- aspazetai umas aristarcos o sunaicmalwtos
mou kai markos o aneyios barnaba peri ou elabete entolas ean elqh pros umas
dexasqe auton
mou: cited in AP
- moi -- 0151*
- txt -- P46 K pm
entolas: cited in M
- epistolas -- harkmarg
- txt -- P46
D F G 33 1611 1739 pm
dexasqe: cited in AP M T
- dexasqai -- (Aapud AP) D* F G 048 0150
33 181 256 462 1175 1319 1611 1739 2005 2127 2344 Ambrosiaster
(N. B.: D, 462, etc. regularly
confuse the endings -qe and -qai)
- txt -- (P46 de|...qe)
(Aapud M, T) B C
D2 K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0151 81 104
223 330 436 876 1799 1960 2412 d? f? rell
Colossians 4:11 -- kai ihsous o legomenos ioustos oi ontes
ek peritomhs outoi monoi sunergoi eis thn basileian tou qeou oitines
egenhqhsan moi parhgoria
kai ihsous: cited in AP T
- kai o ihsous -- D* (et Dc apud AP)
- txt -- P46 D2 F G pm
sunergoi: cited in AP M T V;
Mlat Nlat vgst vgww
- sunergoi mou eisin -- D* F G
(P am cav fulc hub leg reg sanger ulm eisin sunergoi)
(330 sunergoi eisin) 1898
(a d f bam dem ful* gran sangall theo val eisin sunergoi mou)
(arm sunergoi mou?)
- txt -- P46-vid rell
moi: cited in AP
- emoi -- P46 1739
- txt --
A B C D F G pm
Colossians 4:12 -- aspazetai umas epafras o ex umwn doulos
cristou ihsou pantote agwnizomenos uper umwn en tais proseucais ina staqhte
teleioi kai peplhroforhmenoi en panti qelhmati tou qeou
cristou ihsou: cited in AP HF M N27 T U4 V VS
- cristou -- P46 D F G K Y
049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
6 (104apud N27) 223 256 630 876
1319 1505 1739 1799 1881 1960 2127 2412
b d f pesh hark goth geo2 eth Ambrosiaster; editions of HF NEB
- txt --
(P (436apud Davies, T)
442 462 1241supp 1962 pal sa arm pc ihsou cristou)
0278 33 69 81 103 (104apud M, T, U4)
326 330 365 (436apud U4) 629 1175 1912 2344 2464
a m am dem ful harl tol bo arm geo1 slav;
editions of B M N13 So T
(UBS cristou [ihsou]) V VS WH
uper umwn: cited in AP T
- uper hmwn -- *
- peri umwn -- D* F G
- txt -- (P46 uper um..)
A B C D2 1739 rell
staqhte: cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T V VS;
- sthte -- 2
A C D F G K L P Y 049 075 0150 0150 0151
33 104 223 630 876 1175 1505 1739 1960 2412; editions of HF So V
- hte -- I 056 0142 122 327 452 462 464c 1518 2401 2423
2464 a m oxon harkmarg Ambrosiaster
- txt -- *
B 38 81 218 365 1241supp 1739 1881 1906 1912
am cav ful hub theo tol val;
editions of B M N13 NEB T UBS
(VS st[aq]the) WH
teleioi kai: cited in AP
- teleioi -- Y 0278
- txt -- P46 pm
peplhroforhmenoi: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T VS
- peplhrwmenoi -- P46 D2 K L P Y
049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278 6 223 326 630 876 1175 1505 1799 1960
2412 pesh harktxt; editions of HF
- txt --
A B C D*,c F G
33 81 104 330 365 424c
1241supp 1739 (1881 peplhrhmenoi) 1912 1952 2464
harkmarg; editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
en panti: cited in AP T
- panti -- P
- txt -- P46 rell
qelhmati: cited in AP
- plhrwmati -- 0278
- txt -- P46 pm
tou qeou: cited in AP T V
- qeou -- P 075 0151 1739 1908 pc
- tou cristou -- D* d
- txt -- P46
D2 F G K L Y 049 056 0150 0278 33 223 330 436 462 876 1799
1960 2344 2412 pm
Colossians 4:13 -- marturw gar autw oti ecei polun ponon
uper umwn kai twn en laodikeia kai twn en ierapolei
gar: cited in Mlat
- omit -- a cav
- txt --
A B C D F G d f am ful hub theo tol val pm
ecei: cited in AP
- ech -- 0151
- txt --
A B C D F G K pm
polun ponon: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS
- polun kopon -- D* F G 629
- polun poqen -- (104 263 poqen polun) 442 1912
- polun agwna -- 6 424c 1739 1881
- polun zhlon -- D1 075
(33apud N13, T) 1906 1908
- zhlon polun -- K L Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151
(33apud M, N27?) 223 326 330 462 876 1799 1960 2344 2412;
editions of HF
- txt --
A B C P 0278 81 (365 ponon polun) 436 1175 1241 2464;
editions of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
laodikeia: cited in AP T
- laodikia --
A B* C D* F G P 056 075 0142 0150 0278 330; editions of T V VS WH
- txt -- B2 D2 K L Y 049
0151 223 436 462 876 (1739 laodikeia adelfwn) 1799 1960 2344 2412;
editions of B HF M N13 NEB So UBS
kai twn en ierapolei: cited in Mlat
- omit -- 330
- add omnes -- a Pelagius?
- txt --
A B C D F G (436 omit en) 1739 (1799 kai ton en ierapolei)
d f vg pm (WH iera polei)
Colossians 4:14 -- aspazetai umas loukas o iatros o
agaphtos kai demas
o agaphtos: cited in M N13 N27 T V
- omit -- 33 642 1898 pal
- txt --
A B C D F G 1739 (2401 omit o iatros) pm
Colossians 4:15 -- aspasasqe tous en laodikeia adelfous kai
numfan kai thn kat oikon autou ekklhsian
aspasasqe: cited in AP T
- aspazetai -- G*
- aspazestai -- F Gc
- txt --
A B C D (462 aspasasqai) 1739 pm
laodikeia: cited in AP T VS
- laodikia -- (P61-vid ...dikia)
A B* C D* F G
K P 075 0150 0278 330; editions of T WH V VS
- txt -- Bc Dc L Y
049 056 0142 0151 223 436 462 876 1799 1960 2344 2412;
editions of B HF M N13(!) NEB So UBS
numfan kai thn kat oikon autou ekklhsian:
cited in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS
- numfan kai thn kat oikon auths ekklhsian --
B 0278 6 424c 1739 1877 1881 harktxt palms sa;
editions of N13 NEBtxt Somarg UBS WH
- numfan kai thn kat oikon autwn ekklhsian --
A C P 075
5 33 81 88 104 110 256 263 326 442 1175 1319 1906 1908 1912 1962 2127 2298 2464 2492
palms bo? slav;
editions of Sotxt T
- txt -- D (F G numfan kai oi thn kat oikon autou ekklhsian)
K L Y 049 056 0142 0150 0151
181 223 (330* 451 numfas)
365 436 462 614 629 630 876 (1241supp omit kai) 1505
1799 1852 1960 2344 2412
pesh harkmarg goth;
editions of B HF M NEBmarg V VS
Colossians 4:16 -- kai otan anagwsqh par umin h epistolh,
poihsate ina kai en th laodikewn ekklhsia anagnwsqh, kai thn ek
laodikeias ina kai umeis anagnwte
h epistolh: cited in AP M T;
Mlat vgst (vgww)
- h epistolh auth -- 0278 3 4 69 209 241 256 323 436 442 462
1319 1845 2127 (dem sangall) bo?
- omit -- B
- txt --
A C D F G K L P Y 049 056 0142 0150
0151 (460 h apostolh!) am bam cav ful gran leg reg sanger tol val pm
kai en: cited in Mlat vgst
- kai -- oxon reg tol
- txt --
A B C D F G 1739 a d f am bam cav ful gran hub leg sanger theo val pm
th laodikewn: cited in AP HF M T
- th laodikaiwn --
A C D* L P 056 075 0142 330 436 1799; editions of HFmarg VS
- twn laodikaiwn -- F G
- laodikaiwn -- 0278
- txt -- B D2 K Y 049
0150 0151 223 462 876 1739 1960 2344 ; editions of
ek laodikeias: cited in (AP "en laodikeias"!)
- ek laodikaias -- C
- ek laodikias --
A B* D* P 075 0150 0151* 0278; editions of T V VS WH
- en laodikias -- F G
- txt -- B2 D2 K L Y 048vid
049 056 0142 0151c 1739; editions of B HF M N13(!) NEB So UBS
ina kai: cited in AP (M) T
- kai ina -- F G
- ina -- D* 1 103 440 d Ambrosiaster
- txt --
A B C D2 pm
Colossians 4:17 -- kai eipate arcippw blepe thn diakonian
hn parelabes en kuriw ina uathn plhrois
arcippw: cited in T
- tw arcippw -- 33 223 876 2401
- txt -- P46
K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278 436 462 1739 1799 1960 2344 2412
blepe: cited in AP M T V
- blepetai -- F G 33 1739*vid (2344 blepete)
- txt -- P46
D K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278 81 104 223 436 462 876 1175
1739c 1799 1960 2344 2412 d f pm
Colossians 4:18 -- o saspasmos th emh ceiri paulou
mnhmoneuete mou twn desmwn h caris meq umwn
h caris: cited in AP T;
(Mlat) Nlat vgst (vgww)
- caris -- F G
- add domini nostri (v.l. domini nostri Iesu Christi ful,
domini iesu bam gran sanger valapud vgst)
a bam ful harl
monc oxon wir
- txt -- P46-vid D (d f am cav hub karl
(reg add dei) sanger theo tol
valapud Mlat caris
vel h caris) pm
umwn: cited in AP HF M N13 N27 T U3 U4 V VS
- umwn amhn -- 2
D K L P Y 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278
88 104 181 223 256 263 326 330 365 (424apud U4) 436 451 462
629 630 876 1175 (1241supp hmwn amhn) 1319 1505 1739c
1799 1912 1960 1962 2127 2344 2412 2464 2492
a b d (fapud N13, N27, M, T)
m am colb dem ful tol pesh hark bomss
(armapud M, U4) goth; editions of HF
- txt -- *
A B C F G 048 6 33 81 (424c apud T) 1739*vid 1881
(fapud U3, U4) sa bomss
(armapud U3, ed. zoh apud T)
Ambrosiaster; editions of B M NEB So T UBS V VS WH
Based on the above, we can analyse the various critical editions
To begin with, we find a total of 407 variants cited in these four
chapters. That is, obviously, 102 variants per chapter, or 4.3 variants
per verse. Of these 407, 14 are Latin-only, leaving 393 variants, or
4.1 per verse, which are cited in one or another Greek critical apparatus.
Breaking these down by edition (recalling that we list only "on the
page" variants in Von Soden), we find that:
350/393 (89%) are cited in AP
312/393 (79%) are cited in T
167/393 (42%) are cited in M
121/393 (31%) are cited in N27
110/393 (28%) are cited in N13
101/393 (26%) are cited in VS
94/393 (24%) are cited in V
86/393 (22%) are cited in HF
46/393 (12%) are cited in B
36/393 (9%) are cited in So
29/393 (7%) are cited in U4
22/393 (6%) are cited in U3
Most of these variants, however, find themselves without support
from any edition, either in text or margin. Taking all the
above editions (plus occasional odd readings from Lachmann, Weiss,
Tregelles, etc.), we find that there are 109 variants where
the various editions disagree or at least show doubt (by placing a
variant in the margin). Of these more interesting variants, we find that:
110/110 (100%) are cited in T
109/110 (99%) are cited in AP
93/110 (85%) are cited in M
87/110 (79%) are cited in VS
86/110 (78%) are cited in N27
83/110 (75%) are cited in N13
79/110 (72%) are cited in HF
58/110 (53%) are cited in V
43/110 (39%) are cited in B
30/110 (27%) are cited in So
26/110 (24%) are cited in U4
20/110 (18%) are cited in U3
We note the fact that Tischendorf heads this list, citing every
variant between the editions, with interest. This means that the
discoveries of the twentieth century (including P46, the
full publication of B, the other papyri and uncials, 1739, etc.)
have not caused the adoption of a single variant unknown to
Tischendorf. There are a handful of counter-examples to this
rule in other New Testament
books -- but basically we're still using the variants known in
the nineteenth century.
Another way of analysing the apparatus is to examine the
"uniqueness" of each variant. That is, taking each
variant cited in the various editions, we'll see how many
of our twelve apparatus support it. That produces this table:
Apparatus | Tot Vars | Only app. | 2 app. | 3-4 app. | 5-8 app | 9+ app.
AP | 350 | 63 | 108 | 60 | 82 | 37
B | 46 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16 | 30
HF | 86 | 0 | 1 | 6 | 47 | 32
M | 167 | 6 | 7 | 43 | 74 | 37
N13 | 110 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 68 | 37
N27 | 121 | 0 | 3 | 10 | 71 | 37
So | 36 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 5 | 27
T | 312 | 24 | 105 | 62 | 84 | 37
U3 | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 21
U4 | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 24
V | 94 | 0 | 2 | 14 | 48 | 30
VS | 101 | 0 | 1 | 14 | 53 | 33
Overall, there are 37 readings found in nine or more apparatus, 84
found in 5-8 apparatus, 62 found in 3-4 apparatus, 114 found in two
apparatus, and 96 found in only one apparatus. Thus we note with
astonishment that every variant found in three or more
apparatus is found in Tischendorf. Even now, though AP has more variants,
Tischendorf does a better job of covering the spectrum.
What about the nature of the texts? We can measure this in several
ways. For example, let's look at how close each text is to the consensus
of the other editions. We have 110 variants where the editions split,
and eleven editions. That means that, if any edition agreed with all the
others at any point, it would have 1100 agreements. The following list
shows how often each of the editions agrees with the other 10, with the
editions closest to the consensus shown first:
N13 agrees with the other 10 editions 923 times
B agrees with the other 10 editions 918 times
NEB agrees with the other 10 editions 915 times
M agrees with the other 10 editions 903 times
UBS agrees with the other 10 editions 900 times
WH agrees with the other 10 editions 899 times
So agrees with the other 10 editions 896 times
V agrees with the other 10 editions 896 times
T agrees with the other 10 editions 890 times
VS agrees with the other 10 editions 838 times
HF agrees with the other 10 editions 550 times
It will presumably be evident that there isn't much to choose
between the various editions, except for Hodges and Farstad and Von
Soden. At least by this measure. But this, we should note, is
not the only measure of consensus. We can also measure
how often each edition agrees with the majority of others.
That gives us this table:
Edition | Edition is Singular
| 1 supporter | 2 supporters | 3-5 supporters
| 6-8 supporters | 8 supporters
B | 0 | 0 | 1 | 10 | 24 | 75
HF | 31 | 9 | 3 | 16 | 7 | 44
M | 1 | 0 | 0 | 15 | 20 | 74
N13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 25 | 75
NEB | 0 | 1 | 0 | 11 | 23 | 75
So | 0 | 3 | 2 | 10 | 20 | 75
T | 1 | 1 | 2 | 13 | 19 | 74
UBS | 2 | 0 | 1 | 10 | 24 | 73
V | 0 | 1 | 1 | 16 | 17 | 75
VS | 3 | 5 | 1 | 17 | 11 | 73
WH | 1 | 0 | 1 | 14 | 20 | 74
The unique nature of the Hodges and Farstad edition (in this sample)
will be obvious. The next most "interesting" edition is probably Von
Soden. The least interesting edition is the Old Nestle, followed
probably by Bover. These two come closest to the consensus of recent
editors. (Whether that is good or bad of course is open to question.)
We can also engage in one other form of analysis: Agreement with various
manuscripts and text-types. We'll compare our various editions with five
manuscripts (P46, ,
B, D, and 1739) and four significant editions (HF, UBS, VS, WH).
(Think of HF as representing a Byzantine witness. It's more
representative of the type than any given manuscript.)
| Agreements With
P46 |
| B | D | 1739 | HF | UBS | VS | WH
B | 52 | 84 | 80 | 62 | 77 | 55 | 102 | 88 | 95
HF | 29 | 48 | 32 | 45 | 67 | -- | 49 | 66 | 46
M | 45 | 81 | 75 | 57 | 74 | 60 | 91 | 91 | 92
N13 | 51 | 82 | 85 | 54 | 78 | 50 | 103 | 83 | 102
NEB | 53 | 82 | 85 | 56 | 78 | 50 | 101 | 81 | 102
So | 48 | 84 | 77 | 62 | 82 | 61 | 93 | 84 | 92
T | 46 | 89 | 77 | 60 | 76 | 51 | 93 | 84 | 86
UBS | 55 | 79 | 86 | 59 | 81 | 49 | -- | 82 | 97
V | 40 | 85 | 73 | 59 | 77 | 62 | 89 | 94 | 92
VS | 45 | 85 | 66 | 57 | 78 | 66 | 82 | -- | 85
WH | 51 | 82 | 89 | 54 | 74 | 46 | 97 | 85 | --
We should note that P46 exists for only 72 of our 110 readings. B and
D are extant for all 110;
and 1739 each have one indeterminate reading.
Some conclusions are probably obvious from this data -- e.g. the dependence of
N13 on WH and the dependence of NEB
on N13 and its successors. Other conclusions are left as an
exercise for the reader.