- Planets - (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
- Heavens or Spheres - (Moon, Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, "Fixt" or Firmament and Crystalline)
- Worthies of Chivalry - (Joshua, David, and Judas Maccabaeus, Hector, Alexander, Julius Caesar, Arthur, Charlemagne, and Godfrey of Bouillon)
- Worthies of London - (Devonshire, Dorset, Mon-mouth, Edward Russell, Caermarthen, Pembroke, Nottingham, Marlborough, and Lowther)
- Human - Gestation - Women carry babies for nine months
- Greek - Muses - Clio (History,) Euterpe (Lyric poetry,) Thalia (Comedy and pastoral poetry,) Melpomene (tragedy,) Terpsichore (Dance and song,) Erato (Erotic poetry,) Polyhumnia (Sacred poetry,) Urania (Astronomy,) and Calliope (Epic poetry)
- Roman - Nine Gods - (Etruscans: Juno, Minerva, Tinia, Mars, Saturn, Hercules, Summauus, and Vedius)
- Greek - Nine Gods - (Sabines: Hercules, Romulus, Esculapius, Bacchus, AEneas, Vesta, Santa, Fortuna, and Fides)
- Points of a Success Law-suit - (a good deal of money, a good deal of patience, a good cause, a good lawyer, a good counsel, good witnesses, a good jury, a good judge and good luck)
- Cat o' Nine Tails - Whip with multiple cords or ropes coming from one handle, stemming from the belief that a "Trinity of Trinities" would be more effective and appropriate
- Chivalry - Joshua, David, and Judas Maccabaeus, Hector, Alexander, Julius Caesar, Arthur, Charlemagne, and Godfrey of Bouillon
- London - Devonshire, Dorset, Mon-mouth, Edward Russell, Caermarthen, Pembroke, Nottingham, Marlborough, and Lowther
- The Nine Worthies of Chivalry were composed of historical figures know for prowess and chivalry. Those of antiquity, or the original Worthies, inspired all manner of romantic art and stories.
- "Nine worthies were they called, of different rites-
- Three Jews, three pagans, and three Christian knights."
- - Dryden: The Flower and the Leaf.
- The French attempted to add a tenth (breaking the mystic or symbolic association with number nine) by adding Bertrand du Guesclin. It never caught on.
- Later a collection of Englishmen, councilors to William III, were given the title of "The Nine Worthies of London." Four from the Whigs party Devonshire, Dorset, Mon-mouth, and Edward Russell. Five from the Tories Caermarthen, Pembroke, Nottingham, Marlborough, and Lowther.
Created: 7-May-1998, Last updated: 7-July-98
© 1998.
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camilian since 1-May-1998
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